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You know how they say it’s good to be in the right place at the right time? That’s exactly how I can describe my work experience at the Motherhood Center. When I applied for the job, I wasn’t pregnant and we didn’t plan to have a baby. But things happen for a reason, and little did I know that when I got the job offer the baby was on the way. There was literally no better place to be for me at that time considering this is my first baby. Everything I knew about babies so far was that they were cute, and I could always return them to their mother.

When I started working at Motherhood Center, I gained access not only to all the classes like prenatal yoga classes and pregnancy classes for parents-to-be, but I also was relaxed with a prenatal massage!  My co-workers were great sources of information about babies. One of the best opportunities I had was to be able speak directly with the founder, Gabriela Gerhart.  For over 15 years she has been Houston’s go-to-resource for pregnancy and newborn care.  She gave me valuable advice and tips starting from the hospital choice to how to calm the baby and not freak out. Everybody who works at the Motherhood Center is very friendly and made my journey to maternity much easier.

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga classes were number one for me! I’m also a fitness instructor, but I really needed to take a class that is specific for pregnancy so I could relax and enjoy the workout. I tried all the instructors and they all know a lot about moms-to-be bodies and souls. Yoga helped me a lot with back pain; it is a great combination of relaxation, stretching and also working on muscles you will need during labor. Not to mention, you will meet a lot of other moms-to-be and you can share your experiences and concerns.

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prenatal massage therapist

Of course I can’t forget about the prenatal massages! I had a massage session with each of the massage therapists and they all are wonderful, and each has a little different with technique. After every massage I felt like a new person, I was in heaven.  All the discomfort of pregnancy was massaged away!

The parenting classes are a great source of information, and I would recommend them to all parents-to-be that are looking for an intimate class with other fun, supportive couples. What makes the Motherhood Center so special is that all the educators are highly educated and have a lot of experience. My husband and I took the Prepared Childbirth and Newborn Care classes, and I also took the Breastfeeding class.  There was so much to learn and it was in a supportive non-judgmental environment.

What makes the Motherhood Center so special is that they have everything you need under one roof!  That is why they are called “Houston’s Mommy Country Club”.  Most clients take advantage of their full service and class offerings – and so did I!  During my pregnancy and post pregnancy I took pictures with the belly and then newborn pictures when our baby girl was 10 days old. I’m very happy we had a chance to capture those moments and that way we can remember them forever! When my mum came to visit me and her first grandchild, (she came all the way from the Czech Republic where I am from) the photographer took a three-generations picture which is wonderful and was the best gift ever!

Karolina and Layla

Now that the baby has arrived, I still have access to the “Mommy Country Club” with Mom & Baby Yoga Fitness class.  It’s a great opportunity for moms to get back in shape but also to enjoy some time with the baby! I can’t wait to take more classes with my little baby girl! 🙂

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As I said before, working at the Motherhood Center is a great experience, but you don’t have to work there to enjoy all they have to offer. You can just stop by, and the wonderful guest services staff will give you a tour, show you the center and answer all of your questions. If you’re either a mom-to-be or you already have kids, this is the place you want to visit throughout your entire pregnancy and motherhood. They also offer labor doulas, baby doulas, night nannies, children’s classes, babysitting, nanny placement services, sleep coaching and lactation consultations!


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