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Class Details

Infant massage is a wonderful and meaningful way to physiologically and psychologically bond with your infant. Bonding with baby through mindful touch on a regular basis has countless measurable benefits including easing tension, relieving symptoms associated with constipation and colic, improving overall emotional well-being, reducing stress, improving sleep patterns, increasing mental stimulation, and improving understanding and response to the baby’s signals. For parents with infants 0 to 9 months, expectant parents, or caregivers (doll will be provided). Please bring a blanket for your baby.

Class Topics:

  • Reading baby’s cues
  • Contraindications
  • Creating an environment
  • Safe use of oils
  • Various methods of nurturing touch
  • Safe infant massage techniques
  • Introducing gentle movements to alleviate various symptoms

Duration: 45-minute
Type: Private VIP class In person
$ 145.00 per person (In person – private)

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Infant Massage Class.

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