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Postpartum Recovery Can Be Difficult

Mom is healing, the baby is getting acclimated to new surroundings, and both parents are adjusting to life with their new bundle of joy. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an expert in postpartum and newborn care come to your home to answer your questions and check in on you and your baby? Well, now you can!

Whether you’re a new parent or just need a quick refresh, we can help cover all your newborn care basics in the comfort of your home! Safety and proper care are of the utmost importance with your newest family addition, and with information continuously changing it can be hard to keep up.

One of our experts will review feedings, diaper changing, baths, and swaddling for the best newborn sleep. Car seat and sleep safety will also be covered to help put your mind at ease. No questions or concerns are too small or go unanswered, as our goal is to give you the best start to your parenting journey!

Cost: $ 350.00 for a 2 hour in-home or virtual consultation
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