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Class Details

Knowledge and research related to childbirth are ever-changing, and it is more important than ever that parents have up-to-date information. Our Natural Childbirth class covers what to expect in labor, birth, and the early postpartum period. All topics discussed will be based on Lamaze International’s Healthy Birth Practices, with an emphasis on having an unmedicated birth.

Class Topics:

  • The stages of labor
  • How to cope with labor using comfort measures
  • Support and planning
  • Pain management options
  • How to avoid unnecessary interventions and prevent a C-section
  • The importance of informed consent/refusal
  • Birth plans can be discussed as a group or privately
Duration: Two 3-hour sessions (6 hours total)
Type: In person or live stream or private
$ 425.00 per couple (In person – group)
$ 775.00 per couple (In person or live stream – private)
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