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We are excited to host a monthly Dads Group every 3rd Thursday from 6.00 to 7.00 pm.

It was facilitated by a local pediatrician and the dad of twins, Dr. Injac.

Dads play a critical role in a child’s life, and becoming a new dad requires a major transformation.

We often focus so much on moms, pregnancy, childbirth, baby and not that much attention is given to dads.

Of course, dads have so many unique dad-centered questions that are not necessarily covered in baby books.

That is why we are hosting the dads-only group at the Motherhood Center.

It’s a group where dads can openly ask questions, share stories and thoughts, and be surrounded by other dads to be and new dads.

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Note: To RSVP, kindly register your credit card. Rest assured, the event is free and no charges will be made to your account.

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Alexander Injac, MD

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New Dads Group in Houston
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Meet Dr. Injac

I have been a practicing pediatrician for the past 25 years. I have also been a father for a long time. During this time, I have witnessed a rapid and drastic change in the paternal role. Yes, we remain our kids’ first heroes and our daughter’s first loves, but we are no longer breadwinners who are not actively involved in direct child care. We now, together with our partners, plan the birth of our children, we are present in the delivery room, we change diapers, feed and console our crying infants. Our professional goals often change, and we look for employment with flexible schedules, allowing for a better balance between family and career. Some even stay at home and assume the primary childcare role.

With our new role, new challenges arise: sleepless nights and fatigue, mood changes, dealing with medically frail or complex children, social isolation, and disapproval from our parents, to name just a few.

This father’s group is meant to be a safe, encouraging, and nurturing environment where fathers can share their experiences, concerns, and triumphs. This group hopes to offer a sense of community and solidarity, allowing fathers to learn from one another and gain valuable insights into effective parenting strategies.

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