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Pregnancy Preparation Class Details

Did you recently find out you’re pregnant? Are you planning on conceiving soon? Learn what you can do right now to get your pregnancy and your baby off to a healthy start. You will walk away empowered with a detailed timeline that will prevent you from feeling anxious and overwhelmed as you face all of the planning that goes into pregnancy and birth.

Class Topics:

  • Understanding pregnancy hormones
  • How to cope with pregnancy anxiety and stress
  • Prenatal nutrition and fitness
  • What to expect during each trimester
  • When to call your doctor
  • Choosing your provider and place of birth
  • Finding quality educational classes such as childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care
  • Options for Professional birth support
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Type: In person or live stream or Private VIP class
$ 135.00 per person or couple (In person – group) Coming soon
$ 300.00 (In person or live stream – private)

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Pregnancy 101 Classes in Houston.

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