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Are you eagerly anticipating the arrival of your little one but feeling anxious about the delivery process? You’re not alone. Many expectant mothers experience excitement and apprehension as their due date approaches. If you’re looking for natural ways to prepare your body for labor and delivery, acupressure points for inducing labor might be just what you need.

Induction massage has gained popularity among moms-to-be who want to avoid medical interventions like Pitocin. This massage technique involves applying pressure to specific points on the body that are believed to trigger labor contractions. Induction massage potentially speeds up the delivery process but can also provide other benefits for expectant mothers.

At the Motherhood Center, our experienced and trained massage therapists offer induction massage to clients from 39 weeks on. If you would like an induction massage before then, we would ask for a doctor’s or midwife’s note. The massage will generally feel like a prenatal massage, but the therapist will pay attention and focus on specific points and areas.

In this article, we’ll discuss the top eight benefits of induction massage and how acupressure points can help prepare your body for childbirth. So, whether you’re a first-time mom or a seasoned pro, keep reading to learn more about this natural way to induce labor.

Understanding Labor Induction

Before diving into the benefits of acupressure points for inducing labor, it’s essential to understand what labor induction means. Labor induction is the process of artificially starting labor before it begins naturally. This is usually done when a woman is past her due date or if there is a medical reason why it’s necessary. Inducing labor can be done in several ways, including medication and medical intervention, or performing various massage techniques, including acupressure.

Inducing labor through acupressure involves stimulating specific points on the body, which can help to promote contractions and encourage the cervix to dilate. This method is becoming increasingly popular among women seeking a more natural approach to childbirth. Not only is acupressure a non-invasive and drug-free way to induce labor, but it also comes with several additional benefits that can help to make labor and delivery more accessible and more comfortable for both the mother and baby.

The following section will explore the top benefits of induction massage and acupressure points for labor induction.


The Benefits of Induction Massage

Induction massage, or prenatal massage, focuses on inducing labor and is a natural method that can help prepare your body for labor and delivery. Here are some of the top benefits of induction massage:

1. Encourages Natural Labor

Induction massage can help to stimulate the release of oxytocin, a hormone that triggers contractions and can help to induce labor naturally. This can be especially helpful for women who are overdue and want to avoid medical induction.

Medical induction can be daunting for many women, and induction massage can offer a more natural alternative. By promoting the release of oxytocin, induction massage can help the body prepare for labor and delivery independently, without medical intervention.

Not only does this offer a more natural approach, but it can also be a more gentle process for both the mother and baby. Medical induction can sometimes lead to more intense and frequent contractions, which can be stressful for the mother and the baby. Induction massage can help gently encourage the body to start labor on its own time, leading to a more positive and comfortable birth experience.

2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Pregnancy can be an exciting time, but it can also be a time of stress and anxiety, especially as the due date approaches. It’s normal for expectant mothers to worry about the labor and delivery process, and this anxiety can adversely affect both the mother and baby. Fortunately, induction massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels in pregnant women.

Studies have shown that massage therapy can help to reduce cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress, and high cortisol levels can have adverse effects on the body, including increased heart rate and blood pressure. Induction massage can help to reduce cortisol levels, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels in pregnant women.

Induction massage can also promote relaxation, positively impacting both the mother and baby. The baby is more likely to be relaxed when the mother is relaxed. This can help to reduce the risk of complications during labor and delivery, such as fetal distress or prolonged labor.

Overall, induction massage can effectively reduce stress and anxiety in pregnant women, leading to a more positive birth experience for both the mother and baby.

3. Increases Blood Flow

When you receive an induction massage, the therapist uses specific techniques to stimulate blood circulation. This increased blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs, which can help them function more effectively. Additionally, increased blood flow can help to reduce inflammation and promote the healing of damaged tissues.

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One of the techniques used during induction massage is called effleurage, which involves long, sweeping strokes that are used to warm up the muscles and increase blood flow. Another technique is petrissage, which involves kneading and squeezing the muscles to help release tension and promote blood flow.

Improved blood flow can also help reduce the appearance of cellulite, as it removes excess fluids and waste products that can accumulate in the skin. This can leave your skin looking smoother and more toned.

Increased blood flow is crucial to induction massage, as it benefits your muscles and overall health. An induction massage is an excellent option to improve your circulation and promote healing throughout your body.

4. Provides Pain Relief

Induction massage can be a game changer regarding pain relief during labor. By using specific techniques, an induction massage can help release endorphins in the body. Endorphins are natural painkillers that can help reduce the pain experienced during labor and delivery.

What’s excellent about induction massage is that it can relieve pain without needing medical interventions such as pain medication. This can be especially important for women who want to have a natural birth or who want to reduce their reliance on medical interventions.

In addition to reducing pain, induction massage can promote relaxation, which can further help alleviate discomfort. By focusing on releasing tension in the body, an induction massage can help calm the nervous system and create a sense of overall relaxation and well-being.

So if you’re looking for a way to manage pain during labor and delivery, induction massage is worth considering. Not only can it provide pain relief, but it can also help to promote relaxation and reduce the need for medical interventions.

5. Enhances Bonding with Baby

Induction massage is not only a physical experience but can also have a profound emotional impact on the mother and the baby. The mother and baby can connect deeper by providing a relaxing and calming environment. This can help enhance bonding, leading to better communication, understanding, and a stronger emotional connection.

This type of bonding can significantly impact the baby’s emotional and social development. It can also help reduce the mother’s stress levels and improve her emotional well-being, positively impacting her health. The mother’s closeness and connection to her baby can also help promote breastfeeding, which is essential for her nutrition and development.

In short, induction massage is not just physical therapy. Still, it can also allow the mother and baby to connect and bond on a deeper level, positively impacting their lives.

6. Shortens Labor Time

Studies have shown that induction massage can help to shorten labor time by several hours. One study published in the Journal of Perinatal Education found that massage therapy during labor significantly shortened the first stage of labor by an average of 2.2 hours. Another study published in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing found that massage during labor reduced the length of the second stage by an average of 20 minutes.

Induction massage is a helpful tool for trimming labor time during childbirth. By using massage techniques to soften the cervix and stimulate contractions, the body is better prepared for labor, which can result in a shorter overall labor time. This can be a massive relief for mothers who may have been anticipating a long and challenging labor. A shorter labor time means less stress and discomfort for the mother and can also reduce the risk of complications for both the mother and baby. It is important to note that induction massage is not performed during labor or in the delivery room.

Additionally, a shorter labor time can lead to a faster recovery and quicker return to daily activities for the mother. So, if you’re pregnant and considering an induction massage, it’s worth discussing it with your healthcare provider to see if it may be a helpful option for you.

7. Avoids Medical Intervention

Induction massage is a natural way to encourage labor, which can help women avoid medical interventions such as Pitocin or a cesarean section. For women who want to have a natural birth experience, induction massage can be a helpful tool to achieve that goal. Sometimes, medical interventions are necessary for the safety of the mother and baby. 

Still, for those who want to have a natural birth experience, induction massage can be a helpful tool. By naturally encouraging labor and helping prepare the body for delivery, induction massage can reduce the need for medical interventions such as Pitocin, a medication used to induce or strengthen contractions, or a cesarean section, which is major surgery. This can help to promote a more positive birth experience for the mother and baby.

8. Can be Done at Home

One of the best things about induction massage is that it can be done in your home. This can be especially appealing for women who want to avoid medical interventions or prefer a natural approach to childbirth. In addition, being in a familiar and comfortable environment can help reduce stress and anxiety during labor, making the experience more positive and enjoyable. Overall, induction massage offers a safe and effective way to encourage labor naturally while providing numerous benefits for both the mother and baby. Our trained massage therapists can provide this service in your home or hospital.

Motherhood Center offers various massage spa services, many of which can be performed at the center, in-home, or at the hospital. In addition to induction massage, we pamper mom’s in our country club-style spa services, including Prenatal & Postnatal “New Mommy” Massages, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone Massage, and Labor Preparation Massage. Motherhood Center has been providing trusted professional massages for more than 22 years and is the leading expert in these services. We’re open 7 days a week!

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Overall, induction massage is a safe and effective way to induce labor without medical intervention naturally. By stimulating the body’s natural processes, induction massage can help women to have a positive and empowering birth experience.

Acupressure massageAcupressure Points for Inducing Labor

If you’re nearing your due date and want to encourage labor naturally, acupressure is a great option. Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote natural healing.

Here are seven acupressure points that are effective in inducing labor:

1. The Spleen 6 Point

The Spleen 6 point, or SP6, is a popular acupressure point used to induce labor. It is located on the inside of the leg, approximately four fingers above the ankle bone. This point is believed to help regulate the menstrual cycle and stimulate the uterus, making it a practical acupressure point for inducing labor.

To apply pressure to this point, the mother can sit or lie down with her legs crossed or extended. She can use her fingers to apply pressure to the SP6 point with firm, circular motions. Applying pressure for about 1-2 minutes is recommended, as taking a break and then repeating the process.

While the Spleen 6 point is generally considered safe, consulting a healthcare provider before attempting any labor induction is essential. Women with high-risk pregnancies or those with certain medical conditions should avoid using acupressure or any other form of labor induction without first consulting with their healthcare provider.

Overall, the Spleen 6 point can be a useful acupressure point for inducing labor naturally. However, it should always be used cautiously and in consultation with a healthcare provider.

2. The Bladder 60 Point

The Bladder 60 point, also known as the Kunlun point, is located outside the ankle, between the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon. This acupressure point is commonly used to stimulate contractions and induce labor. It is believed that applying pressure to this point can help to promote the downward movement of energy and encourage the cervix to dilate.

Applying pressure to the Bladder 60 point can also help to alleviate pain and discomfort during labor. Many women find that massaging this point during contractions can help reduce the pain’s intensity and make it easier to cope.

However, it is important to note that the Bladder 60 point should only be stimulated once the mother is at or past her due date, as it is a strong point that can cause contractions to become too strong if encouraged too early. It is also essential to consult with a healthcare provider before using acupressure points to induce labor, especially if there are any underlying medical conditions or complications.

3. The Bladder 67 Point

The Bladder 67 point, also known as Zhiyin, is located at the end of the little toe on the outside edge of the nail bed. This point is believed to be connected to the uterus and is known for stimulating contractions and encouraging the baby to descend into the birth canal.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating the Bladder 67 points can help to soften and dilate the cervix and encourage the onset of labor. Some studies have shown that acupressure on this point can lead to shorter labor and reduce the need for medical interventions.

It’s important to note that while acupressure can be a safe and effective method for inducing labor, it should always be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider. They can ensure that the acupressure techniques are being performed correctly and safely.

To stimulate the Bladder 67 point, gentle pressure can be applied using the thumb or index finger. Applying pressure for 1-3 minutes is recommended, and then taking a break to see if contractions start. It’s crucial to avoid overstimulating the point, as this can cause discomfort or even injury.

4. The Large Intestine 4 Point

The Large Intestine 4 Point, or Hegu, is located between the thumb and index finger on the web. Stimulating this acupressure point can help induce labor by promoting uterine contractions and cervical dilation.

It is believed that applying pressure to this point can also help relieve pain and reduce stress and anxiety levels during labor. In addition, the Large Intestine 4 Point is also thought to be beneficial for digestive issues, headaches, and sinus congestion.

To stimulate this point, apply firm pressure using your thumb and index finger for a few minutes. You can apply pressure to this point with a massage ball or acupressure tool. It’s important to note that women who are not yet full-term should avoid stimulating this point, as it can cause contractions and potentially lead to preterm labor.

As with any acupressure point, it’s always best to consult a trained professional before attempting to induce labor on your own. A licensed acupuncturist or certified prenatal massage therapist can help you determine which acupressure points are safe and how to use them effectively for inducing labor.

5. The Pericardium 8 Point

The Pericardium 8 point, also known as the “Spirit Gate,” is located on the palm side of the hand, in the center of the wrist crease. Applying pressure to this point can help to relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, and stimulate contractions.

To locate the Pericardium 8 point, make a fist with your hand and find the wrist crease on the palm side of your hand. The point is located between the tendons in the center of the wrist crease.

Stimulating the Pericardium 8 point can help release tension and promote relaxation, particularly during the early stages of labor. It can also help encourage the production of oxytocin, an essential hormone for labor and delivery.

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To stimulate this point, gently press your thumb or index finger and hold for several seconds. You can also use circular or up-and-down motions to massage the point. Communication with your healthcare provider before using this or any other acupressure point during pregnancy is essential.

6. The Gallbladder 21 Point

The Gallbladder 21 Point is located on the top of the shoulders, about halfway between the neck’s base and the shoulder blade’s outside. Applying pressure to this point can help to relieve tension and promote relaxation in the upper body. This point is handy for women who are experiencing discomfort in their upper back and shoulders during labor.

In addition to its physical benefits, the Gallbladder 21 Point is also thought to have emotional benefits. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this point is associated with the “Shen,” or the spirit, and stimulating it can help to promote feelings of calm and well-being. For women feeling anxious or overwhelmed during labor, applying pressure to the Gallbladder 21 Point may help provide emotional support and promote a sense of grounding.

It is important to note that while acupressure can be a helpful tool for inducing labor and managing pain, it should be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. Women should consult with their healthcare provider before trying acupressure and should be aware of any potential risks or side effects associated with this practice. With the proper guidance and support, however, acupressure can be a safe and effective way to support a healthy and positive birth experience.

7. The Stomach 36 Point

The Stomach 36 point is a pressure point located on the lower leg. Applying pressure to this point can help to stimulate contractions and encourage labor to start.

To locate the Stomach 36 point, place your hand just below your kneecap and feel for a small, bony protrusion on the outer edge of your leg. The Stomach 36 point is located about four finger widths below this protrusion, towards the back of the leg.

To apply pressure to this point, use your thumb or index finger to press firmly on the point and hold for several seconds. You can repeat this process several times a day to help encourage labor to start.

It’s important to note that while acupressure can be a helpful tool for inducing labor, it should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider. If you have any concerns or questions about using acupressure to induce labor, speak with your healthcare provider before using these pressure points.

It’s important to note that while acupressure can be a helpful tool for inducing labor, it should only be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. Always consult with your healthcare provider before trying any natural labor induction methods.

Precautions for Induction Massage

While induction massage can be a safe and effective way to promote labor, some precautions should be taken to ensure the health and safety of both the mother and baby.

Consult with a Healthcare Provider

It is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before attempting an induction massage. They can help determine whether it is safe for the mother and baby based on their health status and medical history.

Only Use Gentle Pressure

When performing induction massage, it is essential only to use gentle pressure. Applying too much pressure can cause discomfort or even injury to the mother and baby. Listening to the mother’s feedback and adjusting the pressure as needed is essential.

Avoid Certain Areas

Certain body areas should be avoided during induction massage as they can stimulate contractions too strongly or cause injury. These areas include the ankles, the thumb and index finger webbing, and the lower back.

Wait Until Full Term

Induction massage should only be attempted once the mother reaches full term, typically around 37 weeks. Trying to induce labor before this time can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and baby.

Seek Medical Attention if Necessary

If the mother experiences any unusual or concerning symptoms during or after the induction massage, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms may include severe pain, bleeding, or decreased fetal movement.

Overall, induction massage can be a safe and effective way to promote labor, but taking precautions and consulting a healthcare provider before attempting it is vital.

Experience the Benefits of Induction Massage at Motherhood Centers Massage Spa Today!

In conclusion, acupressure can be a safe and effective way to help induce labor naturally. By targeting specific pressure points on the body, acupressure can help to encourage contractions, soften the cervix, and prepare the body for delivery. It’s important to note that acupressure should only be done under the guidance of a trained professional and with the approval of a healthcare provider.

To try acupressure for labor induction, consider visiting a reputable spa-like Motherhood Center. At Motherhood Center, our massage therapists are trained in acupressure and can help guide you safely and comfortably. We offer a variety of massage and spa services tailored to expectant mothers, including prenatal massage, postpartum massage, and breastfeeding support.

Don’t let the stress and discomfort of labor overshadow the joy of welcoming your new baby. Contact Motherhood Center today to learn more about our massage spa services and how we can help make your labor and delivery experience as smooth and comfortable as possible.

benefits of induction massageFAQs About Induction Massage

What is an induction massage?

Induction massage is a type of massage therapy designed to help encourage labor in pregnant women who are overdue or experiencing other difficulties with labor.

How does induction massage work?

Induction massage works by stimulating specific pressure points in the body that are believed to encourage contractions and help prepare the body for labor.

Is induction massage safe?

Induction massage is generally considered safe for pregnant women past their due date or experiencing other difficulties with labor. However, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before trying alternative therapy.

Can induction massage be done at home?

Yes, some types of induction massage techniques can be performed at home. However, it is essential to receive proper training or guidance from a qualified massage therapist or healthcare provider.

How many sessions of induction massage are needed?

The number of induction massage sessions needed can vary depending on individual circumstances. Some women may only need one session, while others may benefit from multiple sessions. Discussing your specific needs with your healthcare provider or massage therapist is essential.

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