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by: Angie Graumenz

Pregnant BellyWhile attending the Rally to Improve Birth over Labor Day I was presented with some scary statistics. We all know that 1 in 3 births end in c-section in the United States. But to hear that, in Houston, our c-section rate is 37.5 percent, still shocked me. The World Health Organization recommends a c-section rate of less than 15 percent. If you are induced, you are 67 percent more likely to have a c-section. Crazy, right?!

So what can we do to prevent c-section? Hire a doula (decreases risk by 28 percent), deliver at a hospital with low c-section and high VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) rate, decline unnecessary interventions and refuse elective induction are a few ways to decrease your risk.

When we are planning for birth we must educate ourselves so we can make the best choices for our bodies and our babies. Join me in learning how to decrease our risk of c-section by learning natural childbirth methods and coping techniques for labor. Our first Natural Childbirth Class will be held on September 25 & 27 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. We will be learning about birth plans, comfort measures and how to decrease our risk for c-section and increase our confidence in birth! Register now!

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