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imageAunt in Czech is teta. My sister and I are very close, although we live thousands of miles apart. We are still connected in our hearts. When I learned that my sister was expecting I was overjoyed, of course! I wished that I could be with her in the Czech Republic, and also wished that she could be here in Houston so that she could benefit from the many services offered at Motherhood Center. Luckily, in the town she lives in there were some resources available to her. She was able to have pregnancy massage, pregnancy education classes and exercise.

As her pregnancy progressed I was able to answer some of the burning questions that most pregnant women have. It was such an honor to be there for my sister and help her in a way that I have been able to help expecting mothers and new mommy’s for years as a professional in this field.

Technology has its pros and cons, but I was so appreciative that I was able to communicate with her via face time, Facebook, and on the phone. I was able to see the baby moving in her belly from thousands of miles away- what an incredible experience!

As she was quickly approaching her due date she had more and more questions relating to delivery and labor. I must admit many of her questions were out of my level of expertise. I reached out to our childbirth educators for their advice. On Saturday, January 10, 2016 Motherhood Center was hosting our prepared childbirth class and my sister was in labor many miles away. Our childbirth educator as well as our labor doula were able to give me advice so that I would be able to “coach” my sister. Zuzanka was born on January 10, 2016. Again, thanks to technology, I was able to see my first niece within hours of her delivery.

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Our Lactation consultant, Renee was also a great help for my sister. She was able to give great advice and confirm that she had a good latch. As the days progressed she sent me pictures of poopy diapers to make sure that it looked as it should. Our labor doula, Kathy, had many helpful tips for mommy recovery “down there.”

Zuzanka is now six weeks old and doing so wonderfully. I so wish that I could be there for my sister during this special time in her life. Even though I am not with her physically, I am so thankful that I have been able to be a part of this transition into motherhood with my sister.




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