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by: Ana Trevino-Godfrey, DMA

I am often asked what prenatal music is, what is important about it, and how parents and children benefit from such a class. I am happy to explain this to all of you.

What is a prenatal music class?

In our class, we take time to live in the present moment by connecting with the unborn child through music. We sing to the baby, and become aware of each other through sound and movement. In our class, we sing lots of lullabies and songs with a continuous beat. We move to the music and discover freedom in movement. We focus on bonding and learning songs that will continue to be a bonding tool for both parents and their infant. We use instruments that the baby can hear. Often, unborn babies participate in class through their movements. It is simply awesome to see how intimate the parents are with their unborn baby in class. During class, there’s no worry about how the baby will get here and how life will change; we live the very moment and connect with the precious child who will soon be in mom and dad’s arms. We take time to make music, learn new songs that will help soothe a baby during difficult moments and meditate on the importance of connection. In this class you will learn that all children are musical from birth. Yes, your unborn child is musical from birth!!

We know that babies can hear from the gestational age of about 16 weeks. They can hear many of the sounds we make and can become familiar with voices they hear the most. While I was pregnant with both of my children, I sang a tremendous number of concerts. My children have heard some of the music I sang while pregnant, and I am astounded when either one says “that sounds familiar” and I realize it is a piece I sang while pregnant! I have also seen this with babies who were in my music class in utero while mom brought the older child to class. I have noticed that these babies are extremely sensitive and responsive to music from a very young age.

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Early childhood music specialist Don Cambell, author of The Mozart Effect for

Children states:

“Over the past few decades, scientists have worked tirelessly to test the hypotheses underlying the notion that the fetus can hear, respond to, and learn from sound. As a result, we know that:

• The ear is the first sense organ to develop in the womb.

• The auditory system becomes functional three to four months before birth.

• Familiarization with specific sounds before birth may induce a special sensitivity to, recognition of, and even preference for those sounds after birth”.

What’s important about this class?

Again, this is about bonding. When parents use music as a tool to communicate, connect, and grow with their children, the outcome can be a deep connection that creates a peaceful environment. When you sing you are naturally relaxed, you take deeper breaths, and most of the time you are exuding happiness. Your child will internalize this and with time will be able to emulate such behavior with his or her own personality. This will create positive life long memories.

What materials will be used in class?

Parents will receive two CDs with the music we will be using I class. You will receive the “Lullabies” and “Family Favorites, Vol. 1” CD from Music Together. The idea is for you to listen to the music from the day you receive it and continue to use it with you baby for years to come. If you enroll in a Music Together class later on, your children will have a deep connection to the music since prebirth. I highly encourage you to try this and see what an awesome experience this is for your entire family!

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Who teaches the class?

The class is led by Dr. Ana Trevino-Godfrey, a classically trained professional singer, a mother, and director of Prelude Music Classes for Children.

When is the next class, and how do I register?

The next class begins Saturday Dec. 3 at 10:00 AM. The class meets three times on:

Sat. Dec. 3, 10 and 17.

Only one parents needs to register, but it is best for BOTH parents to come to class together.

You may register at The Motherhood Center, 713-963-8880.

For online registration, please visit:

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