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We arrived to Houston from overseas when we were 7 months pregnant of our first baby girl Ariana. We had from the beginning very clear the labor and delivery that we wanted, but we needed to find the right doctor and right doula to make it possible.

We were recommended to the Memorial Hermann Hospital and soon after we arrived to the city we began to look for the right OB/Gyn, whom we found very quickly. We asked her at the first appointment to recommend a doula and she recommended us the Motherhood Center.  We contacted them right away and set up an appointment with Kate Jones. After meeting her for first time we decided to work with her, she was knowledgeable, understood from the beginning what we wanted and knew how the medical system worked here which was very important for us since we were coming from out of the country and never had a baby here in the US.

After that, she always followed up with us every time she knew there was an appointment, ultrasound, test, etc. share articles and borrow interesting books.

But all this help was nothing compared to the great help we received at early stage of labor which lasted almost four days. She came to our home walked us through all the stages, help us to manage the pain and until the waters broke. She went to the hospital with us and always try to make the medical doctor staff to fulfill the items listed in our birth plan.
We can say only good things about Kate. She cares and she is compassionate also she is someone we felt we could rely on and that we felt comfortable being around her during the time of labor and delivery.

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We recommend Kate to anybody and thanks to her we have a precious and healthy baby girl.

Monica & Paul

Motherhood Center Labor Doulas provide emotional and physical support to expecting families. For more info call: 713.963.8880
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