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Kathy Monroe’s Potty Training Seminar

potty training, potty trainer, houston1. Was the information presented in a clear, easy to understand manner?

Yes. Kathy was incredibly kind and patient, answering every question and even staying a bit late to address additional concerns. I really liked her disposition and calm personality. She was also very uplifting and gave us lots of confidence to go home and tackle the potty training head on.

2. After the class, did you feel confident that you could implement the process at home?

Absolutely! We stopped at the store on the way home and purchased a few of the items she recommended and then started the training the minute we got home that evening. She encouraged us to just go after it! I should also mention, JJ and I had been trying to train Ory for nearly a year (on and off). It was a painful topic of conversation in our house and we felt completely defeated.

3.  Was there anything you anticipated learning that was not presented?

No. We had purchased online tutorials and read books on how to potty train our son and up until the class, nothing had worked!

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4. Have you started implementing at home what you learned in class?

It took two solid weeks, but he is completely trained both during the day and at night, too! Her method and tips worked wonders for us…primarily using a kitchen timer to tell him when he needs to go. It takes the parents and parental control out of the equation and allows the child to feel like he’s making his own decisions. It was the key we were missing in our prior attempts to train him.

5.  Would you recommend this class to others?

Absolutely! We love the Motherhood Center!!


If you would like to Potty Training Seminar  or call 713.963.8880 x 105 to schedule a private potty training session with Kathy Monroe.

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