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Exercise during pregnancy and during the postpartum period can be a wonderful way to both stay in shape and to reduce stress. Fitness has been shown to improve sleep, reduce aches and pains, improve mood, and increase energy. It can also help prepare your body for childbirth and speed up recovery during the postpartum period. 

The Motherhood Center specializes in fitness classes for new moms and moms-to-be.  As your body changes through pregnancy and beyond traditional fitness classes can be hard to adapt to your changing body. Certain movements might not feel right and certain movements aren’t recommended for pregnancy or the early postpartum period. Our highly trained instructors specialize in adapting classes to each trimester of your pregnancy. They also understand how things like diastasis recti can affect new moms and how to safety rebuild core strength after having a baby. 

Fitness classes targeted specifically for pregnant moms and new moms can also be a wonderful way to meet new friends! Pregnancy and the postpartum period can both be isolating times, especially if you don’t have a network of other mom friends. Our instructors take time to make sure everyone has a chance to get to know each other before classes start and we encourage people to stay for a few minutes after class to chat if they have the time. By taking our classes in person you’ll have the chance to get the benefits of working up a sweat and meeting new people in the process. 

The importance of finding a social outlet now is more important than ever. We will be restarting our in-person fitness classes on June 1st making sure to limit participants and provide at least 6 feet of distance between each person in the class. We will also be sanitizing the studio and all props in between classes and asking that students bring their own mats. We want to create a welcoming environment for you that feels normal but is also safe. There is just no substitute for the energy you feel from the room in a fitness or yoga class!

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We do understand that some people won’t be comfortable coming and taking classes in our studio just yet.  We totally understand that and will continue to offer live-streaming classes to accommodate that into the foreseeable future.  We are here to support you!

As always if you have any questions at all about the steps we are taking as a result of COVID-19 or about our fitness classes in general please feel free to give us a call!


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