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Ahhh… a new baby. How exciting! Welcoming a new little one into your family is one of the most special things you can experience.

Welcoming a new little one can also be pretty overwhelming… 

Which provider should you choose? 

How do you know what questions to ask your care provider?

What classes should you take? 

What baby items do you need and when should you buy them? 

Should you breastfeed or formula feed? 

Do you need a doula

… The endless questions are enough to stress you out. The good news is, you don’t have to deal with all the stress. Talk to a professional maternity consultant like Motherhood Center’s founder and president, Gabriela. Let an expert listen to your concerns and answer any questions you have regarding pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Gabriela says, “I love to see the progress clients make during consultations, from coming in overwhelmed and not sure where to begin with asking questions, to leaving more prepared, relieved, and with a clearer vision of how to conquer the next steps. I started doing the consultations after I saw so many clients reaching out to me with various questions. Everything from finding an OB/GYN or pediatrician, or which hospital to choose, or how to navigate pregnancy and parenting…”

What is a maternity consultant?

A maternity consultant — also known as a maternity concierge, pregnancy consultant, or baby planner — is an expert that offers education and resources to expecting parents or those trying to conceive. Baby planning services are a great way to reduce overwhelm, help you make informed decisions, and make your transition into parenthood easier. 

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There’s so much information today about how to properly care for your baby, and much of it seems to be conflicting. A pregnancy consultant offers clarity as you navigate the many decisions that come with having a new baby.

With over 20 years of experience in the maternity and parenting space, Gabriela offers valuable insight into every concern. Motherhood Center has serviced over 40,000 clients in the Houston, Texas area with a wide range of needs, backgrounds, and expectations. 

Who benefits from a maternity concierge?

A maternity concierge sounds great, but how do you know if it’s for you?

Many of Motherhood Center’s clients are expecting for the first time and feel very overwhelmed. They have no idea where to start as they navigate the long road of decisions ahead. 

There are so many decisions to make when planning for a baby, starting with what care provider you want to use. The choices go from there — what kind of birth you’d like to plan for, what type of baby items you’ll need, how you’ll care for your little one once it arrives, and how to prepare for your birth

A pregnancy consultant brings calm to the tumultuousness of this season by answering every question you have. They discuss your concerns with you and give you informed advice. A maternity consultant gives you a road map, in a sense. Maternity consultant services are similar to having a consultation with a wedding planner. 

“I love how each session creates a stronger bond between an expecting couple, allowing them to feel less stressed, connected deeper to welcome all the things that come with having a baby, and presents the opportunity to mention sensitive and personal topics or questions”.   — Gabriela

Why use a pregnancy consultant?

Do you know whether you’d like to use an OB/GYN or midwife? Once you know your preference, you still have to interview and consult the ones in your area to choose the best fit for you. 

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Have you considered if you’d like a doula? If so, you’ll want to interview them too.

And what about diapers? There are thousands of diapers on the market. Which ones do you choose? How many do you need? 

How do you know which pregnancy and birth classes are worth your time and money?

And which pediatrician will you use after your baby is born? What do you plan for your postpartum to look like?

These are just a few of the decisions that come with a new baby. Having to make all these choices on your own is overwhelming and stressful. You want to make the best decision for yourself and ultimately, for your baby. Everything you do you second-guess, wondering if it’s the best or if you could do better. 

Having a consultation with a maternity concierge brings light to all these confusing questions. An expert in the industry can inform and educate you, while also helping you process your thoughts, bring clarity, and eliminate confusion.

“It is also astonishing to welcome expecting dads who are uncertain of the importance behind the maternity consultation and watching them leave extremely excited to become a new daddy after completion of the session”.  — Gabriela

A pregnancy consultant works with you to ensure your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is less stressful and designed the way you’d like. Often, new parents are so focused on pregnancy and birth they completely forget about the postpartum period. A maternity consultant helps by creating a plan for those early newborn days. Rest, bonding, and healing are paramount in the early days after birth, so having an expert who can help you plan is invaluable.

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We know how many baby items are on the market. It’s an astounding mass of choices, with so much conflicting advice on what’s safe and what’s not. Utilizing baby planning services can help you break down what’s necessary and what fits best with your lifestyle.

How do maternity consultant services work?

Each maternity concierge may do things a little differently. But typically, you pay for a consultation that’s an hour or two long. During this time, a maternity consultant sits down with you and your partner to learn about you, your lifestyle, and your preferences. 

Baby planning services can include creating a birth plan, discussing differences in care providers, making a list of baby registry must-haves, and suggestions for educational resources. A pregnancy consultant gives you expert information, calms your fears, and relieves your anxiety.

A maternity concierge in your area can provide recommendations for pregnancy/birth classes, prenatal yoga, pediatricians, and other local resources.

Motherhood Center provides clarity for expecting parents.

At Motherhood Center, we recognize everyone is different and has unique needs. That’s why we offer maternity consultation services both in-home and at our center. For the past 20 years, Gabriela has met with expecting parents in Houston and surrounding areas to offer them informed, educational advice tailored to their individual preferences.

Motherhood Center offers a wealth of resources for expecting and new parents, ranging from pregnancy and parenting classes, spa services and yoga, lactation consultants, and childcare

For unsure expecting parents, Motherhood Center can be the source of relief you need. We take all the stress and anxiety of new parenthood for you as we help you navigate the journey ahead, allowing you to focus on the joy and beauty that pregnancy brings.

Having a baby doesn’t have to be stressful. Allow the experts to step in! You deserve to feel all the happiness of this exciting time, and Motherhood Center wants to make that happen. Request a consultation today — we can’t wait to hear from you!

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