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Did you know you have choices when you deliver a baby? You can choose where you are going to deliver; a hospital, birthing center, or at home; how you are going to deliver; in a tub, on a ball, or in a bed, and who is going to deliver you; an OB/GYN or a Midwife. What’s super important to remember is that delivering this baby is about you and the baby, and you need to do what is the most comfortable for you.

We will take some time to discuss ALL the choices regarding labor and delivery, but for now, let’s focus on how to choose between an OB/GYN and a Midwife. There are a few questions I get when I am doing a maternity consultation:

  • What’s the difference between an OB/GYN and a midwife?
  • Do I know OB/GYN’s and midwives?
  • Which is better for me to use, an OB/GYN or a midwife?

Today, I am going to answer all these questions and more. It’s essential that when you are ready to make this decision, you have all the facts about an OB/GYN and a midwife so you and your significant other can make the best decision for you and your new baby!

What’s the difference between an OB/GYN and a midwife?

There are differences between an OB/GYN and a midwife. And, this isn’t to say one is better over the other, because it does come down to a personal choice and what you feel is best for you. Determining what qualifications and skills are the most important to you will help you decide to find the perfect provider.

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The main difference between an OB/GYN and a midwife is that midwives are trained to deal with women with normal, uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancies, and doctors are trained to handle any complications. It’s important to note that if there are any complications with your pregnancy, or if any develop while you are pregnant and under the care of a midwife, you will be referred to an obstetrician.

An OB/GYN and a midwife provide similar services, but here is where they differ:

  • A midwife uses fewer medical interventions during childbirth and is excellent if you are planning a natural birth. An OB/GYN is trained to handle any childbirth. A midwife is a good choice for an unmedicated natural childbirth experience. An OBGYN is a good choice if you plan to have an epidural and want a hospital experience.
  • An OB/GYN handles high-risk pregnancies and reproduction issues. A midwife cannot attend to high-risk pregnancies; their care is limited to the mother and child after pregnancy.
  • An OB/GYN is a doctor who completed medical school and specialized in obstetrics and gynecology. Choosing an OB/GYN will mean you will deliver in a hospital setting. A midwife is not a doctor but someone who attends midwifery school to receive training in obstetrics and gynecology.
  • If surgery is needed to deliver a baby, only an OB/GYN has the training to deliver the baby.

Do I know OB/GYN’s and midwives?

I know many OB/GYN’s and midwives. Even though Motherhood Center is centrally located in Houston, many of our clients are in the surrounding metro area, so our list of physicians isn’t geographically limited to the medical center. Finding the correct physician for a client can be challenging – clients have many different reasons for seeking a care provider, and determining what qualifications and skills are most important to them is vital in pointing them in the right direction.

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Are you searching for a physician or midwife? Check out this article with tips and pointers to guide you while searching for the perfect provider!

Which is better for me to use, an OB/GYN or midwife?

It is important to feel very comfortable with your provider and their staff. Feeling reassured, confident, and at ease with your OB/GYN or midwife is the most important factor when choosing a provider. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the “fourth trimester” are crucial parts of a woman’s life – a time she will never forget!

If you would like to sit down and discuss your options, don’t hesitate to call 713-963-8880 or send me an email to and let’s set up a maternity consultation! After discussing your needs and wishes, I can better point you in the right direction and assist you with finding the perfect practitioner for their pregnancy.

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