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by: Sara Cornelius, Baby Planner
856 - Motherhood CenterWhat a special feeling it is to be a first time aunt and to be able to watch the little one grow.  On March 12, 2012 at 6:39 p.m., I was blessed with my first nephew. Leonard Wyatt Cornelius was born, weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and 18 inches long – blessing our family with the first baby boy and boy, will he be spoiled rotten to the core!
The first thing mom/grandma could tell him was that she would buy him a pony! Being the fourth generation and being able to carry on our last name, we all have great expectations for him. It was a long 9 month wait but so glad he is finally in our lives!!!

Congratulations to the best brother and sister in law on bringing such a precious boy to our world!!

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