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by: Gabriela Gerhart, Founder of The Motherhood Center

855 - Motherhood Center

Irma Lowrey is retiring after nearly a decade of Night Nurse/Baby Doula service here at The Motherhood Center. She has been such a joy not only to new families but also to us here at the center. Always supporting and nurturing to our clients, Irma has a constant smile on her face and a positive demeanor.

Her specialty has been working with twins. As a mother of twins herself, she was able to bring extra support and experiential knowledge to our TMC moms. Caring for families has always been her top priority, so Irma has worked primarily nights for the last 7 years.

When my Grandmother passed away in Czech Republic, Irma brought me a beautiful plant that thrives years later and reminds me of her consideration and kindness. It has been such a privilege to work with Irma and I have been proud to provide families with her loving care. Now is the time though for Irma to focus on herself and take time for her own life and family. She will surely miss all of the babies and families that she has worked with over the years and our family here at The Motherhood Center will miss her as well.

Knowing that she cannot stay away from her passion for babies, we are sure she will be around the center to visit with us and many new families that will benefit from her knowledge and happiness.

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