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by: Meredith Stedham, RN, LPC

I am always amazed at how quickly babies grow, learn, and develop.  As the facilitator of our Mom’s Talk Support Group, I have the joy of watching as babies in the group learn to tolerate tummy time, gain head control, give their first smiles, learn to roll over, then to sit up and eventually start crawling.  Expecting and new moms frequently tell me how much they enjoy this support group because they can interact with other moms and share their experiences, questions, fears, and successes as they learn to navigate the new journey of parenthood.

Over the last several months of getting to know these moms and their precious babies, I have noticed some questions and topics that seem to be common issues and concerns for many of the moms in the group.  One of the most frequently recurring themes in our discussions centers on understanding age appropriate growth and development.  Here at The Motherhood Center, our goal is to provide the support all mothers need through a variety of specialty services.

Therefore, I am happy to announce a new class series beginning Monday April 9, 2012 titled “Watch Me Grow!”  These classes will be a great opportunity for moms to learn various activities to do with their little ones, as well as enjoying the chance to meet new friends.  For more information, or to register for one of the Watch Me Grow classes (divided by infant’s age from 6 weeks to 12 months), please visit our website.

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