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by: Mary Bratcher, Retail Manager
Wean Green was featured on Martha Stewart’s Baby Shower special! We are so happy to introduce this fantastic product to our clients here at The Motherhood Center. On her show, Martha featured many items that we carry here at the center, but Wean Green is the latest addition!
Wean Green has revolutionized not only storage, but reheating of baby’s food. It is a green and non-toxic option for hungry babies everywhere!
The tempered glass can be refrigerated, frozen, and heated without release of any chemicals that would leach when using a common plastic product. The BPA free lids stay on safely with latches on all 4 sides. They can even be dropped and not shatter or come open!
They grow along with baby, making it easy to offer fresh, natural foods as they grow older. They can even be used on the go to tote snacks and pureed food.
We carry the Wean Green items in different sizes and color. Make feeding baby a breeze and check them out today!
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