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by: Gabriela Gerhart, Motherhood Center Founder

Gabriela Gerhart

Today, March 8, is an important day to me. Not only is it Gabriela Day in the Czech Republic, where I was born, but it’s also International Women’s Day, a day to honor how women around the world have made a difference in their families, communities and countries. International Women’s Day has been observed for more than 100 years, with the first official day taking place on February 28, 1909. Since then, we’ve seen women make strides in many areas from getting the right to vote in 1920 to having many women in high profile positions, both in government and the private sector.

Years ago, I realized my dream to see women empowered both during and after their pregnancy when my husband, Gary, and I, opened Motherhood Center. In the late 1990s, I moved to Houston from the Czech Republic to work as a baby nurse doula, helping new moms adjust to life with a newborn and offering them much needed support and guidance on everything from helping with feedings to baby care. I quickly realized that in many cases, I was the family’s only support system as their relatives lived in other states or countries. As a result, I created Motherhood Center to offer expecting and new moms a variety of resources from prenatal yoga and massage to relieve stress during pregnancy to classes on newborn care, childbirth preparation, breastfeeding and CPR. The center also gives moms a nurturing and relaxed environment to meet with other moms and enjoy their babies.

Since opening the center, I’ve had the privilege to meet so many moms who both inspire and encourage me to find even more ways to assist families in any way I can. Many have told me how utilizing services at Motherhood Center has given them confidence in their ability to take care of their new baby. Today, I want to honor all women for all they do for their families, communities and the world around them.

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