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Postpartum Changes: What New Moms Can Expect After Birth

Bringing home a baby means lots of changes in the household. There is the addition of baby equipment and supplies, new schedules to follow, and new adjustments for everyone in the family. The postpartum mom experiences her own set of changes that can range from stretch marks to post pregnancy hair loss. Here are some common symptoms that plague many new moms:

  • Stretch Marks and Skin Changes- Pregnancy stretches not only the skin on your belly, but the skin on your thighs, backside, and hips as well. Though these marks fade over time naturally, they may not completely disappear. To aide in reducing the visibility of stretch marks, you can try using a cream like the Mama Mio Goodbye Stretch Marks Minimizer. This product is used to diminish the size and color of stretch marks. Due to fluctuating hormones after pregnancy, your skin can also suffer from postpartum skin changes like dryness and flaky patches. Mama Mio’s Megamama and Skin Tight serum can help with these and other skin issues. Visit the Motherhood Center retail shop to explore all the Mama Mio options available, such as the Tummy Rub Scrub, Pregnancy Boob Tube, Tummy Rub Butter and Tummy Rub Oil.


  • Pain and Discomfort- The pain and discomfort from giving birth can last for many weeks. Besides taking pain medication, you can also try at home remedies like sitz baths to help reduce swelling and encourage healing after a vaginal birth. Another option would be to use a product like the Motherlove Sitz Bath Spray to combat the discomfort. For moms who have had C-sections, the Motherlove C-Section cream soothes incision scars and nourishes the skin around it to reduce scarring. Physical pain can also come in other forms like cracked nipples from breastfeeding. Use a product like the Motherlove Nipple Balm to soothe sore nipples. The best part about this organic balm is that you do not need to wipe it off before feeding or pumping.
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  • Breast Changes- Women who are about to give birth or who have just given birth may notice that they are leaking colostrum even when their milk has not come in yet. If this bothers you, you can use breast pads that are typically used by breastfeeding moms. Worn inside the bra, these will help keep your skin and your clothes dry when breastmilk leaks. The disposable ones get tossed after each use. At the Motherhood Center, we carry Medela 100% Cotton Washable Nursing Pads that can be washed and re-used.


  • Fatigue- If you were struggling to get quality sleep while pregnant, then sleep becomes even more elusive after the baby comes. Cut out as many commitments as possible and get help with household chores so that you are not overworking yourself. Pregnancy, labor and delivery is hard work and it takes time to recover properly. Consider a post-partum massage (when the doctor has cleared it) to help you relax and get better sleep at night.


  • Postpartum Weight Gain—Weight gain is normal but many women are eager to lose the baby weight immediately. Be aware that dieting too soon before breastfeeding is established can affect the production of breastmilk. Instead, in the first couple of months, concentrate on choosing nutritious foods. If you are worried about milk production, consider adding supplements like Motherlove More Milk Plus and More Milk Special Blend for improving lactation. Once you doctor clears it, you can also start exercising again which will not only help with losing the baby weight but it will also boost your mood. If you feel like your confidence can use a boost, the Motherhood Center retail shop carries The Belly Bandit, which helps slim and support the belly and hips post pregnancy.
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  • Hair Loss- Many women find that their hair is at its thickest and must luscious during pregnancy. After giving birth though, hormones shift once again and hair starts to fall out quite dramatically sometimes. Typically, within a year, the post pregnancy hair loss should end and your hair will regain its normal fullness. In order to keep your hair loss at a minimum, make sure you are eating good balanced meals with lots of fruits and vegetables to help your body get the nutrients required for healthy hair. Be gentle with your tresses and avoid stressing it by pulling it up too often or using hot styling tools. There are postnatal supplements on the market that will deliver the vitamins and minerals you need to help your hair stay healthy. (Always check with your physician before taking any supplements that might interfere with breastfeeding or medication.)


  • Increased perspiration- For the first few weeks after delivery, many women experience night sweats. As the postpartum body adjusts to new hormone levels, you could find yourself uncomfortable under the covers at night. Wear loose, cotton clothing to sleep. Turn the temperature down and put a towel over your pillow to help keep your pillow dry. Drink plenty of water and increase your overall fluid intake during the day.


  • Feeling Stressed—Becoming a mom for the first time can be very stressful and overwhelming. Join a support group of women who are in the same stage of life. The group can share struggles and concerns, and new moms can even get advice from others who might be ahead in the mothering journey. Join the Motherhood Center’s New Mom Self Care and Support class to learn practical ways to cope with the challenges of new motherhood as well as find other moms who have found themselves in the same season of life. If you or someone you know is overwhelmed and really struggling, please consider reaching out to the Center for Postpartum Family Mental health is just as important as physical health.
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Postpartum changes are inevitable but there are many things you can do to lessen the negative effects. Contact us at the Motherhood Center to navigate this season with the help of our services, classes or the premium products available in our retail shop.

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