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Infant Massage

If this is your first baby, you might worry that you are not ready to take care of a newborn. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in your feelings of apprehension. Lots of new parents feel unprepared when it’s time to bring their new babies home from the hospital. You can take steps to help you and your partner get prepared for this transition into parenthood.

Taking a newborn care course during your pregnancy is an excellent way to prepare yourself for the real thing. Yes, your nurses will provide basic information once your baby arrives. However, many parents find they possess extra confidence and peace of mind knowing they are prepared through hands-on practice in a newborn care course, rather than having to take a “crash course” after delivery!

Remember, practice makes perfect. Before your baby’s arrival, make sure you — and your partner — are comfortable with these newborn care basics:

  • Handling a newborn, including supporting your baby’s neck
  • Changing your baby’s diaper
  • Bathing your baby
  • Dressing your baby
  • Swaddling your baby
  • Feeding and burping your baby
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Proper Hygiene
  • Cleaning the umbilical cord
  • Caring for a healing circumcision
  • Using a bulb syringe to clear your baby’s nasal passages
  • Taking a newborn’s temperature
  • Tips for soothing/calming your baby

Why Choose Motherhood Center’s Newborn Care Class?

The Motherhood Center is conveniently located in West Alabama (at Timmons), with easy, accessible parking (which means no complicated hospital parking or wandering down endless hospital wings to find where your class is held). In addition, Motherhood Center provides a warm, relaxing environment that makes our parents feel right at home when they’re with us. Parents appreciate the more intimate feel within our classes, which allows for a very comfortable and enjoyable experience.

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Our goal is to provide reliable, unbiased, expert information that parents can trust, without being pushed to accept a certain birthing or parenting philosophy. The support, care, and professional guidance received at the Motherhood Center are unlike any other.

Click this link for more information or to register for Motherhood Center’s Newborn Care class.

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