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Newborn Care Specialists

Q: What is a Newborn Care Specialist?

A: Newborn Care Specialists are trained newborn care professionals that attend to any newborn’s needs, help with the baby during the day or night, and provide support and hands-on assistance to new Moms and Dads.

Q: What does a Newborn Care Specialist do?

A: In addition to providing newborn care and help for new Moms, Newborn Care Specialists can also make meals and snacks for the family, run errands, help set up a nursery, and accompany parents to doctor visits. This service can be particularly helpful for mothers who have gone through a C-section. Newborn Care Specialists give these Moms the opportunity to stay in bed and recover while someone else is there to help take care of the new baby. Ultimately, having the support of a Newborn Care Specialist will help to ease the transition into parenthood, making it much easier because you will be well-rested, reassured, and well-nourished.

Q: Do Newborn Care Specialists provide support for my husband/partner?

A: Dads/partners also benefit from our Newborn Care Specialists and find comfort in having a knowledgeable resource to answer any questions. Many new parents feel overwhelmed by both the increased financial pressure and the new responsibility to be intimately involved in the newborn’s care while still working. There is much relief when leaving for work, knowing that their wife and new child are in good hands. They also feel a sense of relief knowing that both parents can get a relatively good night’s sleep (between feedings or if bottle feeding, even sleep through the whole night!) while the Newborn Care Specialist is around.

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Q: If this isn’t my first child, do I really need a Newborn Care Specialist?

A: Parents who are having their second or third child also benefit from the additional support of a Newborn Care Specialist. Parents are able to bond with the newborn and recover from the delivery while the Newborn Care Specialist is helping the older sibling with the adjustments of not being “the baby.” This will also allow Mom and Dad to spend more quality, uninterrupted time with the older siblings because the Newborn Care Specialist is there to care for the new baby.

Interested in learning more about our Newborn Care Specialist services? We’d love to hear from you! 

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