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by: Sarah Moudry, Instructor

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was so excited! I started daydreaming about the nursery right away. What color would it be? Which bedding would we choose? As I started reading and researching (as pregnant women do!) I learned more about a baby’s first room. It is more than a place for sleeping and storing clothes and diapers…it is a baby’s first classroom. Maria Montessori referred to this as the Prepared Environment. It is here that a baby starts to connect with the physical world, where he gains trust, feels safe, learns concentration and a sense of security. A child’s bedroom can be the foundation for intelligence, a strong memory, and positive social relationships!

I went on to study this more closely and earned my diploma in Montessori Theory for working with children from birth to three years old. This, combined with my degree in environment, textiles, and design, prepared me to create and inspire many nurseries, always guided by Dr. Montessori’s Principal: “The best for the littlest.”

Join me Thursdays in January from 2-3pm at the Motherhood Center to learn more about the importance of your baby’s Nursery and how you can easily create an environment that is developmentally appropriate for your child, balancing beauty and functionality, and learn the keys to supporting language and movement development through the design of your child’s bedroom.

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