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Motherhood Center Introduces New Mother School

Motherhood Center is excited to launch its New Mother School, a series of small-group classes for new moms. We understand how many questions and anxieties come up once a baby comes into the world, so we’ve designed two 10-week courses around common concerns at different stages: newborn and infant. Classes are limited in size to 12 moms so that they foster camaraderie in an intimate, safe environment.

The New Mother School uses an evidence-based curriculum from a team of experts in newborn and infant care and development. Another goal of these courses is for the mothers to share and learn from one another as well. At a time that life can feel overwhelming and exhausting, it’s important to foster peer support. All our New Mother School classes provide a judgment-free space for new moms to learn and grow into their roles as mothers.

Newborn class

Our New Mother School newborn class is dedicated to all the issues that arise when your new baby is just six weeks to three months old. This is a major period of adjustment for both mother and baby. Over the course of 10 weeks, our newborn experts will cover practical and emotional issues, including:

  • Transitioning to motherhood
  • The postpartum body
  • Attachment and bonding
  • Foundations for newborn sleeping schedules
  • Soothing a fussy baby
  • Infant massage
  • Tummy time and baby’s physical development
  • Infant safety, including SIDS prevention, car seat safety, safe sleep, and more
  • Marriage and motherhood
  • Reducing anxiety

Most importantly, the newborn class gives brand-new moms the opportunity to meet peers who are experiencing their own unique versions of these issues. Motherhood Center is always here to offer support, and we hope that you will support each other as well.

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Infant class

Our New Mother School infant class covers the next stages of development, from three to six months. Just like the newborn class, we will examine the physical and emotional aspects of parenting, and how to tackle the many changes baby will quickly grow into. Course topics include:

  • Developmental stages of play
  • Sleep and temperament
  • Communicating with baby, including sign language and speech
  • Baby-led weaning and introducing solid foods
  • Babyproofing and Safety
  • Infant CPR
  • Traveling with baby
  • Positive parenting techniques
  • Self-care and relationships

There are so many developments in the three-to-six-month stage, and some may be difficult for new mothers as the baby grows and evolves. We want you to feel confident, supported, and as joyful as possible watching them unfold.

What is the main goal of the New Mother School?

We created the New Mother School because while motherhood is an amazing gift, it is also challenging and complex—especially for new moms. Our courses also function as a safe space for new mothers to ask questions, learn more about stages of a baby’s development, and support one another. You may feel overwhelmed and sleep-deprived with a newborn or infant, but we also want you to find and experience the joy of motherhood in a positive environment.

The New Mother School is far more than a mommy-and-me playgroup. We address serious issues like postpartum depression, marriage and relationships, and finding time for self-care. Our goal is to empower and encourage new moms without judgment and create an atmosphere for sharing through laughter and through tears. The carefully curated topics of our New Mother school are presented by compassionate experts who listen as much as they educate.

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How are classes structured?

Each week of your 10-week course will be structured around a specific topic, ranging from developmental stages to safety to parental relationships and much more. In addition to the core content, each class will have time for Q&A and open discussion, and you’ll receive additional resources related to each class. Classes are taught by subject matter experts with a range of professional experience in the areas of newborn and infant care.

What is your parenting philosophy?

At Motherhood Center, we do not believe in one type of parenting. Every family is unique, and there is no single way to provide the best care for your new baby. Sometimes, even with your own baby, the same techniques won’t work across all developmental stages. We do believe that you can be a great parent without being perfect. Our New Mother School approaches all our moms with empathy, compassion, and acceptance.

Will I pay more for New Mother School if I have twins?

No. We believe all families deserve equal access to our courses. And if you need help with both babies in attendance, your course instructor and peer moms are there to help!

I’m already spending a lot with a new baby. Is New Mother school worth the additional investment?

We understand that a new baby comes with significant expenses. That’s why we’ve done our best to keep these courses affordable and worth far more than their monetary value. Moms and dads who have attended our other classes at Motherhood Center often say it was the best investment they’ve made since having a new baby.

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I’m ready to sign up, but my partner is not on board. How can I convince them it’s the right choice for us?

New expenses for new parents can be a hard sell. But investing in New Mother School benefits the entire family—not just the mom. We fall in love with our babies before they’re born, but it can be a real shock to you, your partner, and your life together when a new baby enters your life. We are here to help you through that powerful transition and how it affects your identity and relationships. No matter what you’ve spent on your academic education, job training, or baby gear, none of it prepares you for parenthood. Making an investment in your parenting knowledge now will go a long way toward smoothing the inevitable bumps in the road for a new family.

The New Mother School is kicking off its inaugural classes on April 13th,,2022. To learn more about our schedule and rates, visit New Mother School

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