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One of our favorite classes at the Motherhood Center is our Mom and Baby Yoga class. It is a great way for new moms to get out of the house with their babies and meet other moms in a nurturing environment. The class is divided into three sections and begins with a series of gentle warm-ups and yoga postures designed specifically for new moms. From there, moms and babies move together (if the baby is up for it!) through a series of strengthening exercises to help you face the physical demands of being a new mom. The final section of the class focuses on your baby and some gentle baby yoga. 

Mom and Baby Yoga is a completely safe space. You are welcome to feed, change, and tend to your baby throughout the class, either in the classroom itself or in our nursing room. We design the class to allow moms to pop in and out as needed.

To help you get a better feel for the class we asked one of our Mom and Baby instructors, Loretta Caddigan, a few questions:

What got you interested in prenatal and postnatal fitness?

When studying nutrition in college I learned how incredible the woman’s body is. During my teacher training in yoga, we studied many different styles including prenatal and that later helped pave the way to taking my prenatal teacher training.  

Describe a mom and baby class? 

Mom and Baby Yoga is a fun and interactive class for you and your baby to connect and move together! 

How soon after delivery can someone attend Mom and Baby Yoga?

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It depends on how the mom feels and where she is in her healing and recovery journey. A general time frame that most doctors recommend is about 6 weeks postpartum. Again, it varies from person to person. Some moms feel comfortable starting earlier than six weeks, others might want to wait longer. 

I’m not sure my baby will behave. Can I still come to class?

Please come! We accept the beautiful chaos that goes with this class and other moms will be right there with you!

How long can I come to Mom and Baby Yoga?

Babies are welcome until they begin to crawl. 


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