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greenpeasAre you tired of the constant worry about your kids health, but just so worn out with nagging? You are not alone, this is a struggle that so many families face every day. We are living in very challenging times when it comes to food, beverages and our health. Your children are innundated every day from every angle with packaged processed snacks filled with sugar, artificial colors and flavorings and too many chemicals to even count. The answer is so very simple, yet not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Whole REAL food is the answer, but how do you get them to eat it? I have put a quick tip sheet together that I hope will help you continue to encourage REAL WHOLE POSITIVE in your home.

Get Them Involved – Children are an important part of the family and their ideas and help are important to the meal process as well. Get their help with meal planning, grocery shopping, with food preparation and clean up, or a trip to the Farmer’s Market. Go one step further and plant a garden as a family; you might be surprised at how much more fruits and veggies they will eat if they know where it comes from and helped grow it.

Never Stop Offering – No matter how many times they wrinkle their nose and say yuck, they need to know that health food will always be the offering and that your family is dedicated to being healthy for the long haul.

healthful foodExpect a “No Thank You” Bite – Instead of a power struggle, change your approach to a lesson in grace and courtesy. You might say, “You absolutely do not have to finish your plate and you do not have to love the same foods that I love, but you do have to be thankful for the food that we have and respectful to the person that prepared it.”

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Lead By Example – Eat together as often as possible so that your kids get to see you eating whole real foods. Don’t be afraid to prepare something that is new or not your favorite. Make sure your kids realize that you are trying something new or trying to learn to appreciate a food you may not currently enjoy.

The Power of Information – Never underestimate your child’s ability to make good decisions if given good information. Talk with your children every day about healthy choices and what those choices do for their bodies. Try to weave the information into conversations about daily life so they do not feel like they are being lectured.

Your Words and Actions are so Powerful – Your children are taking in everything that you do and say, even if they seem to be ignoring you. Make sure that you are not impacting their body image or impressions of a food group in a negative way because of your own insecurities. Focus on making the entire family healthier with WHOLE REAL POSITIVE food, drinks, activity and thoughts.

As a Certified Health Coach, I focus on helping busy families live a healthier lifestyle within their individual time constraints, challenges and beliefs. If you are interested in having my support in getting your family on track to a healthier happier life, contact me today for a free consultation.

“A Healthy Family on any Schedule”
Aimee Alley Taylor

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