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by: Lisa Pounds, Founder and CEO of Green Plate Kids

I am constantly asked about gluten free products and over the past few years, we have created more and more items to help our clients and their children with their diets. Whether they are Celiac, gluten intolerant or just feel better by omitting or limiting gluten from their diets, i think it is so important to diversify your whole grains!  We use brown rice and quinoa a lot.  Black rice has amazing nutritional properties too!  I love to mix quinoa and rice together, it give such a different and interesting texture.  So try mixing it up with these rice bowls!  The veggies can be mixed up as well based on seasonality. The key is the yummy sauce and making sure you find a Gluten Free and LOW sodium soy sauce. Easy enough to omit the meat and make these 100% veggie also!  Or try topping with some grilled shrimp! Click here for these recipes and more!

Chic+Rice+Bowl - Motherhood Center

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