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by: Sherry Azimi

First: Love your baby’s sleep

I’m not a mother yet, but I am an older sister and have lots of friends with babies. You don’t need to be an expert to know that every parent’s ultimate dream is that their baby sleep, Sleep, SLEEP! Sleep is good for babies and their parents. Newborns spend most of their time asleep or lying on their cribs and bassinets. Toddlers also sleep a lot. In fact, we adults also spend much of our time on our beds (forty-percent of our lives are spent on our beds, as any mattress seller will tell you).

We’ll be honest with you, not everything in your baby’s bed has to be organic for it to be safe, but it should be natural. This is why we never push customers towards organic bedding. As long as your kid’s bedding is made of 100% cotton (or other natural materials), is lighter in color (less harsh dying process) with no finishers, we think you have met the safety requirements.

But mattresses are a whole other story. We always tell customers that a healthy crib mattress is the most important immediate action you can take for creating a less toxic world for your baby. Most mattresses in the market are toxic because they are made of petrochemical based materials. PVC is used to create water-proof layers and toxic flame retardants end up doing more harm than good. Our non-toxic mattresses are made of natural latex, organic cotton and wool. Wool is a natural flame retardant. Organic mattresses can also be made of horsehair, coconut husk and other natural ingredients.

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Second: Color that breathes non-toxic air

Painting your nursery with non-toxic paint is one of the cheapest, easiest steps to bring health to your child’s environment. The Green Painter offers the most affordable line of non-toxic paints, beating other paint stores in price and number of toxins. Our prices are competitive with Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore and we offer a special “color mixology” service, featuring experts in color selection and matching. Don’t forget to remove any old paint containing lead. Lead is extremely toxic!

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