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With so many people working from home, families’ needs from external caregivers are evolving.  Families are asking for more flexibility with their caregivers’ schedules. Instead of offering traditional part-time or full-time schedules, it is becoming common to offer a schedule that varies from part-time to full-time each week. We have seen this shift in recent years in our Motherhood Center Nanny Department and have addressed it by introducing Family Assistant placements to our repertoire of in-home staffing services.

Family Assistants cater to a variety of needs related to the whole family, in contrast to a nanny whose focus is on the children and child-related duties. A Family Assistant can care for children in addition to other duties to support the family. They also may not care for children at all – it simply depends on each family’s specific needs.

As we recruit Family Assistants, we look for candidates from varying backgrounds to qualify for the position. We have the experienced nanny who is able and willing to do more than what is required of a typical nanny position. We also have candidates that don’t come from the typical childcare background but do have experience working with children in addition to an administrative background.

Some of the duties Family Assistants help with include:

  • Running family errands
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Create or manage family budgets
  • Help plan parties or events
  • Administrative tasks related to a family’s home or business
  • Prepare meals
  • Assist in home organization
  • Light housekeeping

Family Assistants are great because they can cater to a family’s specific needs. Many homes with a Family Assistant find they can spend more quality time together because they have delegated tasks. This type of support allows parents to allocate their time more efficiently and have a smoothly run household. Family Assistants not only provide support in the home – they enable a happy and healthy family dynamic.

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