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Common Questions:

  1. How to find the correct size:
    1. When trying on the k’tan, the lowest point of the carrier should fall just below your chest and above your navel (diaphragm level)
    2. When wearing the k’tan with your baby inside, the bottom of the carrier should hit at your navel or waist, but never your hips-if it does, size down.
    3. At first, it may feel like the k’tan is too small or tight, but keep in mind that the carrier will stretch to accommodate, and also that it needs to be snug enough to support your baby’s delicate head, neck, and back-a snug fit also helps to save your back from unnecessary strain!
    4. When in doubt, size down!
  2. Why is the k’tan my favorite?
    1. User friendly-no buckles, straps, or confusing wrapping involved-and no metal to  poke you.
    2. Machine washable
    3. Inexpensive
    4. Grows with baby from 8 pounds to 35 pounds
    5. Six different positions to carry baby as they grow
    6. Promotes healthy hip development-recognized by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute
    7. You can put the wrap on before you go somewhere (driving to the store, etc) and save time when you arrive (seamless transition from car seat to carrier!)
  3. First time in the k’tan? Keep it positive!
    1. When introducing the k’tan for the first time, be sure that your baby is fed, well rested, and in a good mood. It is important that you avoid rushing to place baby in the carrier-slow and steady! You can also try rocking or bouncing baby on your chest to gradually put them into the k’tan.
    2. If you start to feel frustrated or confused, keep calm! Practice often and with breaks. Soon, like swaddling, placing baby in the k’tan will feel like second nature.
    3. It may also be helpful to practice putting on the k’tan in front of a mirror.
  4. What is the correct position for my baby?
    1. Newborns to infants up to three months may be in the kangaroo position, but some babies will want to skip this altogether! If they are extra squirmy or trying to stand up and stretch their legs, it’s time for the hug position.
  5. Safety Check: After baby is in the k’tan, regardless of the position, check these four things:
    1. Baby has clear source of air
      1. Nose and mouth visible
      2. Chin is off their chest
    2. Baby is in a seated position “froggy style”
      1. Knees are above bottom
      2. Fabric reaches their knees to form a wide seat
      3. (This promotes healthy hip development!)
    3. Sash is secure
      1. If the position you are using requires the sash
      2. Supports baby’s back and neck as well as yours!
    4. Head support
      1. If baby is sleeping or does not yet have full head control, their head is supported by one side of the carrier.
  6. Questions? We would love to see you and help you with finding the right size or a hands on demonstration. Do you have a different carrier and unsure how it works? Stop by and we will help you!
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