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Finding a Quality Nanny

Have you heard about the nanny who refused to move out of a couples home after she was fired? Are you in the process of looking for a nanny but have fears such as this? 

Recently negative stories about nannies and babysitters in the home have spread through the media, however these negative situations are preventable if you know what to look for in selecting a quality caregiver.motherhood center nanny agency, nannies, houston nanny

Having a child can be an overwhelming process and even more so when the parents need to continue working. Many parents do not have the option of staying at home or asking family members to help with the care-giving role. Sometimes a full-time caregiver is needed so they can continue their full-time careers.  

What Defines a Quality Caregiver

Like with any other profession, there are great employees and not-so-good ones. The same is true in the nanny industry. In the USA, there is not a standard certification process or an official school where nannies receive training, where in other countries, like England, it is standard.

A Great Nanny will have these important skill sets:

Loving and nurturing personality

Thorough understanding of basic childcare

True interest and knowledge in child development

Service oriented personality

Previous childcare background

The Motherhood Center’s Nanny Agency in Houston prides itself on their highly effective, hands-on approach at selecting quality nannies for clients. Conducting personal interviews, using a thorough application process, checking references, and conducting background checks, allows the center to present the best nannies to their clients. Gabriela Gerhart, Founder of the Motherhood Center said, “all these checks and formalities are necessary to uncover any red flags.”

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Guidelines for your Nanny Search

It is very important for parents to follow their instinct when selecting a nanny. Give yourself enough time to be thorough with your nanny search. You do not want to find yourself needing a nanny immediately and rushing to hire a caregiver even though you are not sure she is the best for your family.

The Motherhood Center Nanny Agency recommends that the first visit with the potential nanny be outside of your home. Often clients will use the Motherhood Center as their meeting space. During the second interview it is wise to introduce the potential caregiver to your child/children to see how they interact.

And finally, using an agency to help with the hiring process involves more money, but alleviates spending many hours and hours sifting through on-line searches, querying networks, conducting reference checks, meeting skeptical candidates and probably most important, opening up your family and home to a complete stranger.

The Motherhood Center has been helping families find quality childcare since 2000.

The Motherhood Center is a unique space for moms-to-be, new mommies, and families in the heart of Houston, Texas. MHC offers the support and services all mothers need, from pregnancy to parenting. To find out more, visit

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