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Winter Weather

By February 3, 2011No Comments

by: Emma Aguirre
February 2, 2011
Week 15

The weather is really putting a dampener on our social life this week! The coldest I will comfortably take my daughter out in is around 60 degrees. I thought I could get away with going from the car to another warm place this week, but I just can’t quite bring myself. I would never forgive myself if my daughter got sick simply because I wanted to get out. Not to mention the possibility of freezing roads and the “other” drivers. I’m excited about the possibility of snow this week though, and I will likely HAVE to bundle her up for a photo or two! For those snow photo ops we have a great down jacket which keeps her toasty, as well as a Hannah Andersson balaclava hat which covers her entire head, and mittens with the string that helps keep them on. It’s so cute and really great for those cold days. Experts say infants need one more layer than adults…but it doesn’t seem like enough on days like this!

This week we also invested in a sleep sack. My daughter is usually semi-swaddled when she takes naps and goes to bed, and she always kicks the blankets off. Exposed feet is just not an option in this unusually cold weather. I also put a fleece crib sheet on and I may turn down the little mittens on her pajamas as well…but I know she’ll be looking for that thumb later. Not that the thumb has been helping much lately. Conveniently, since my husband has been sick, my daughter has been waking at her old time of 3 am. I put it down to last weekend’s trip disturbing her, and figured it might take a few days to get back to normal. But when it happened again last night, I figured maybe she’s hungry and increased her bottles to 8oz during the day so she’s not so hungry at night. I even threw in a bit of rice at tonight’s feeding (note: interested to see what the pedi says about the rice issue at the four month check up in a few weeks. I wonder if she’ll suggest using a small spoon? Maybe that would be a better option at 5pm like dinner, followed by a bedtime bottle?). My magical book suggested that we do the dream feed later. It usually happens around 11, but I may try to push it to around midnight tonight.

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I wonder what would happen if I got sick ;)?

To avoid going completely stir crazy though, I’m having to get a bit creative. Today, I tried to move from room to room to keep her interested and I switched out some toys and introduced a new one. A friend suggested that we should keep out a few toys after birthdays and Christmas and put some away when she’s not looking and use them as rewards for good behavior later, or on days like today, when we’re cooped up inside. What a great idea – she was mesmerized by a Fisher Price mirror bug that lights up and sings and helps with tummy time. If nothing else, what great bonding time these next few days will be!

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