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by: Mary Bratcher, Retail Manager

Oftentimes when a woman gives birth, she finds it easy to forget about her needs and only focus on the needs of her new family. If you are among the one-third of American women having a c-section birth, it is that much more important that you take the steps necessary to make sure you and your body are supported and nurtured before and after birth. Here at The Motherhood Center we offer physical, emotional, and practical support for all new families.

When preparing for any birth, massage and exercise are of maximum importance. They help you to learn that only when you are taken care of, do you have the energy to care for others. If you are aware of the date of a planned c-section it is great to have support items on hand as well. It’s also smart to be educated about such items in case of an unexpected c- section.

Here at The Motherhood Center we have many items that help mamas to heal quickly after this major surgery. We have C-Remedy, made by the trusted company that also makes Lily Padz. It allows you to have a washable silicone bandage over the incision. This ensures cleanliness, and ease of wear when it comes to clothing and underwear. We also have the C- Panty that offers the support and coverage requested by c-section mamas. C-Panty also has a silicone patch sewn into the panty so that your incision is cared for at the same time your healing belly is being supported.

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Some of the best support available here is through our Baby Nurse/Doula program. Our Baby Doulas are the Gold standard in Houston and can provide a myriad of helpful services.
Services a doula can offer include:
•    Breast/Bottle feeding Support
•    Night Feeding
•    Burping Techniques
•    Diapering, Cord/Circumcision Care
•    Bathing, Swaddling
•    Nursery assessment and organization
•    Charting feeding amounts and times, sleeping schedule and play times

Then when you are ready to venture out we have excellent support groups that meet here at the center. In addition to our new moms group, we have a baby blues and beyond group that has been beneficial to many new moms. Please check out our schedule.

If you are planning a c-section, just had one, or would just like extra information on your support options, please call us at 713-963-8880.
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