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Grandparents are significant in the growth of children. When parents are unavailable or unable to give their children the care they need, they are frequently the first line of defense. Grandparents provide children with a safe and secure environment to learn and develop, as well as vital wisdom and life lessons.

At Motherhood Center, we recognize the value of grandparents in a child’s development. As an agency with a full array of childcare services as well as pregnancy and parenting classes and resources, we are aware of the crucial part grandparents play in the lives of families. To assist grandparents in their attempts to show their grandchildren love, wisdom, and care, we give a variety of parenting and pregnancy education sessions, both in-person and online, including our Grandparent Refresher classes, which we feel are a must for all new Grandparents caring for their newborn grandchild.

The considerable influence that grandparents may have on the growth of their grandchildren will be discussed in this article, along with the importance of fostering these vital bonds.

The Role of Grandparents in Development

Importance of Grandparents Providing Emotional Support

One of the most critical roles grandparents can play in developing their grandchildren is emotional support. Grandparents can offer their grandchildren unconditional love and a sense of safety and security, helping them navigate life’s challenges and uncertainties. Whether it’s a listening ear, a hug, or simply spending time together, the emotional support that grandparents provide can make a significant difference in the lives of their grandchildren.

As children face life’s ups and downs, they often turn to their grandparents for comfort and guidance. Grandparents can provide a unique perspective on life and offer a wealth of experience and wisdom that can help their grandchildren navigate difficult situations. They can also serve as a sounding board for their grandchildren’s thoughts and feelings, offering a non-judgmental ear and practical advice. By providing this emotional support, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop a greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence, leading to better social and academic outcomes.

In addition to offering emotional support during challenging times, grandparents can play a critical role in helping their grandchildren develop emotional regulation skills. By modeling healthy emotional expression and providing guidance on coping with strong emotions, grandparents can help their grandchildren learn to manage their feelings healthily and constructively. Research has shown that children with close relationships with their grandparents tend to have better emotional regulation skills, which can lead to improved social and academic outcomes.

Furthermore, grandparents’ emotional support can significantly impact their grandchildren’s mental health. Studies have found that children who have a strong relationship with their grandparents are less likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety. Grandparents can help their grandchildren develop a sense of belonging and connectedness, providing a buffer against the harmful effects of stress and adversity. By nurturing these critical relationships, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop the resilience and coping skills they need to thrive.

Providing emotional support is a crucial way in which grandparents can positively impact the development of their grandchildren. By offering a listening ear, guidance, and a sense of safety and security, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence, better emotional regulation skills, and improved mental health outcomes. Grandparents can serve as role models, confidants, and friends, providing a source of love and support to help their grandchildren navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and confidence.

Offering Life Experiences

In addition to providing emotional support, grandparents can offer their grandchildren a wealth of life experiences. Grandparents have lived through a great deal of history and have accumulated a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom. By sharing their experiences and insights with their grandchildren, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop a greater sense of perspective and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

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One way in which grandparents can offer life experiences is by sharing stories about their own childhood and early years. By recounting their own experiences growing up, grandparents can help their grandchildren better appreciate the past and how the world has changed. Grandparents can also share stories about their experiences as parents, offering insights and advice on navigating the challenges of parenthood.

Another way grandparents can offer life experiences is by exposing their grandchildren to new and different experiences. Grandparents can take their grandchildren on trips, introduce them to new hobbies or interests, or spend time together doing things they both enjoy. By exposing their grandchildren to new experiences, grandparents can help broaden their grandchildren’s horizons and help them develop a greater sense of curiosity and adventure.

Overall, offering life experiences is a valuable way in which grandparents can positively impact the development of their grandchildren. By sharing their experiences and introducing their grandchildren to new and different experiences, grandparents can help them develop a greater sense of perspective, curiosity, and appreciation for the world around them.

Serving as Role Models

Grandparents can also serve as role models for their grandchildren. As older adults, grandparents have had the opportunity to live through a wide range of experiences and challenges. They have likely overcome obstacles and achieved many of their goals. Grandparents can use their life experiences to demonstrate to their grandchildren the importance of determination, hard work, and perseverance.

In addition to modeling positive values and behaviors, grandparents can serve as role models by providing their grandchildren with a strong sense of family and cultural identity. Grandparents can teach their grandchildren about their family’s history, traditions, and cultural heritage. By sharing this information, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop a greater connection to their family and community.

Grandparents can also serve as role models in approaching aging and the later stages of life. By maintaining a positive outlook and embracing their aging process, grandparents can demonstrate to their grandchildren the importance of aging gracefully and living life to the fullest. This can help counteract negative stereotypes about aging and instill a sense of optimism and hope for the future in younger generations.

Grandparents can serve as powerful role models for their grandchildren in various ways. By modeling positive values and behaviors, providing a sense of family and cultural identity, and demonstrating a positive approach to aging, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop into confident, well-adjusted adults.

Providing Caregiving Support

Grandparents can also provide valuable caregiving support to their grandchildren, particularly when the parents are unavailable or unable to provide care. For example, grandparents can provide care when the parents are at work, dealing with a medical issue, or otherwise unavailable. Grandparents can also provide care for their grandchildren on a more long-term basis, such as when the parents are going through a divorce or facing other significant life challenges.

Providing caregiving support can also involve providing practical assistance with everyday tasks, such as helping with homework, preparing meals, or providing transportation to and from activities. Grandparents can also offer emotional support and a safe environment for their grandchildren, particularly during times of stress or difficulty.

In addition to offering direct caregiving support, grandparents can also help facilitate access to other resources and services that may be helpful to their grandchildren. For example, grandparents may help their grandchildren find a therapist or other mental health professional, connect them with extracurricular activities, or assist with finding resources for academic support.

Overall, providing caregiving support is an important way in which grandparents can positively impact the development and well-being of their grandchildren. By offering practical and emotional support, facilitating access to resources, and providing a safe and supportive environment, grandparents can help their grandchildren thrive and overcome challenges.

The Benefits of Grandparental Involvement

Grandparents playing with grandchildImproved Academic Performance

Grandparents can also play a key role in improving the academic performance of their grandchildren. Research has shown that children who have close relationships with their grandparents are more likely to have higher academic achievement than those who do not. Grandparents can provide their grandchildren with a supportive environment that encourages learning and intellectual development.

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Grandparents can help their grandchildren with homework, offer guidance on study strategies, and share their knowledge and expertise on various subjects. They can also read with their grandchildren, play educational games, and engage in other activities that promote learning and cognitive development.

Moreover, grandparents can provide a valuable perspective on education and its importance. By sharing stories of their educational experiences and successes, grandparents can instill a love of learning and a motivation to achieve in their grandchildren. They can also serve as a source of encouragement and support during challenging academic times.

In addition, grandparents can help facilitate access to educational resources and opportunities for their grandchildren, such as enrolling them in extracurricular activities, finding tutors, or assisting with college applications.

According to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, grandparent-grandchild relationships can positively impact grandchildren’s academic achievement. The study found that grandparent-grandchild closeness was positively associated with the grandchild’s educational attainment and academic achievement.

A survey conducted by AARP found that 42% of surveyed grandparents reported helping their grandchildren with homework or school projects at least once a week. Of those grandparents, 87% said their involvement helped their grandchildren improve in school.

Grandparents can have a significant impact on the academic success of their grandchildren. By providing a supportive and stimulating environment, offering guidance and knowledge, and fostering a love of learning, grandparents can help their grandchildren excel academically and achieve their full potential.

Improved Emotional Well-Being

Grandparents play an essential role in their grandchildren’s emotional well-being. They can provide a sense of stability and security, especially during times of stress or upheaval. Grandparents can be a source of comfort and support and can offer a different perspective and wisdom gained from their own life experiences.

Research has shown that children with close relationships with their grandparents are less likely to experience emotional and behavioral problems. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that children with close relationships with their grandparents had fewer emotional and behavioral issues, including depression, anxiety, and aggression.

Grandparents can also help their grandchildren develop resilience and coping skills. By providing emotional support and guidance, grandparents can help their grandchildren navigate difficult situations and create a sense of self-efficacy. This can lead to improved emotional well-being and greater confidence and security.

In addition, grandparents can provide a sense of connection to their family history and culture, which can be an essential part of a child’s emotional development. By sharing family stories and traditions, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop a sense of identity and belonging.

Grandparents’ emotional support and guidance can significantly impact their grandchildren’s emotional well-being. Grandparents can provide stability, comfort, and wisdom, helping their grandchildren navigate life’s challenges and develop essential skills and traits for emotional resilience.

Enhanced Social Skills

In addition to academic and emotional benefits, grandparents can positively impact their grandchildren’s social development. Spending time with grandparents can provide children with opportunities to develop social skills such as communication, empathy, and cooperation.

Grandparents can be positive role models for their grandchildren, modeling good social behavior and providing guidance on interacting with others. They can also provide a safe and supportive environment for their grandchildren to practice and develop their social skills.

Research has shown that grandparent-grandchild relationships can positively impact children’s social skills. A study published in Social Science & Medicine found that children with close relationships with their grandparents had better social skills, including higher levels of empathy and fewer behavioral problems.

In addition, spending time with grandparents can provide children with opportunities to interact with people from different generations and backgrounds. This can help them develop a broader perspective and understanding of the world and a greater appreciation for diversity.

Overall, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren can provide essential opportunities for social development. By serving as positive role models and providing a supportive and safe environment, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop critical social skills and values that will do them well throughout their lives.

Reduced Risk of Behavioral Problems

Grandparents can also play an essential role in reducing the risk of behavioral problems in their grandchildren. Research has shown that a close relationship with grandparents can positively impact children’s behavior, including reducing the risk of depression, anxiety, and other behavioral problems.

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One study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that grandchildren with close relationships with their grandparents had fewer emotional and behavioral problems. This may be because grandparents can provide children with a stable and supportive environment, which can help them feel more secure and confident in themselves.

In addition, grandparents can offer guidance and support to their grandchildren during difficult times, such as divorce or the death of a parent. This can help children cope with their challenges and reduce the risk of behavioral problems.

Moreover, grandparents can provide continuity and stability in their grandchildren’s lives, which can be especially important during times of change or uncertainty. For example, grandparents can help their grandchildren maintain a sense of connection to family history and traditions, providing stability and belonging.

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren can positively impact children’s emotional and behavioral well-being. By providing a stable and supportive environment, offering guidance and support during difficult times, and helping children maintain a sense of continuity and stability, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop into happy, healthy, and well-adjusted adults.

Tips for Grandparents on How to Best Support Their Grandchildren’s Development

Grandfather with babyAs grandparents, you play an essential role in your grandchildren’s lives, and you can influence their development in many ways positively. Here are some tips on how you can best support your grandchildren’s development:

Engage in Active Play

  • Participate in physical activities with your grandchildren, such as walking, playing catch, or swimming.
  • Encourage outdoor play and exploration, such as visiting parks or nature walks.
  • Engage in imaginative play with your grandchildren, such as playing dress-up or creating art projects.

Read Together

  • Spend time reading books with your grandchildren, and encourage them to ask questions and share their thoughts on the stories.
  • Take your grandchildren to the library or bookstore to help them discover new books and authors.
  • Consider starting a family book club where everyone can read and discuss the same book together.

Foster a Sense of Curiosity and Exploration

  • Encourage your grandchildren to explore their interests and try new things.
  • Plan educational outings like visiting museums, science centers, or historical landmarks.
  • Share stories from your own life and experiences to inspire your grandchildren’s curiosity about the world around them.

These tips can support your grandchildren’s development, create special memories, and strengthen your relationship with them. Remember, your role as a grandparent is invaluable, and your love and support can impact your grandchildren’s lives.


In conclusion, grandparents play an essential role in developing their grandchildren, providing emotional support, life experiences, caregiving support, and serving as role models. In addition, grandparents can contribute to improved academic performance, enhanced emotional well-being, and social skills, as well as reduce the risk of behavioral problems.

At Motherhood Center, we understand the importance of grandparents in the lives of children, which is why we offer a variety of educational resources for parents, including Grandparents Refresher classes. These classes are designed to help grandparents brush up on their parenting skills, learn about new parenting trends, and stay informed about the latest research on child development.

However, if grandparents are unavailable or unable to provide childcare support, we encourage you to contact us at the Motherhood Center to learn more about all of our childcare services.

So, whether you are looking for educational resources for grandparents or seeking professional childcare services, we are here to support you and your family every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can help you meet your childcare needs.


Why are grandparents important in a child’s life?

Grandparents provide emotional support, life experiences, and caregiving support and serve as role models. They can help children develop their social skills, academic performance, and emotional well-being.

What are the benefits of grandparental involvement?

Grandparental involvement can lead to improved academic performance, enhanced emotional well-being, improved social skills, and reduced risk of behavioral problems.

How can grandparents positively influence their grandchildren’s lives?

Grandparents can provide emotional support, offer life experiences, serve as role models, and provide caregiving support. They can also teach valuable lessons and help their grandchildren develop positive relationships with others.

What are some ways grandparents can support their grandchildren’s academic success?

Grandparents can offer homework help, support extracurricular activities, and provide a safe and stable environment for learning.

How can grandparents help their grandchildren develop their social skills?

Grandparents can teach children how to interact with others, resolve conflicts, and communicate effectively. These skills are critical for success in both personal and professional relationships. Grandparents can also model positive social behaviors and offer guidance and support in navigating social situations.


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