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The Importance of Eating Seasonally: The Top Balancing Winter Foods

By February 11, 2011No Comments

by Gabrielle Welch, Welch Wellness

In a world of eating on-the-go and fast food, we find ourselves moving further and further away from eating seasonally. To not eat seasonally has only become an option in the past 100 years or so with all of the conveniences of our modern world.

Most people are not even aware that there is a synchronicity between the plants that grow out of the ground and the animals that eat them (including us!).

The human body has to adapt in a variety of ways to the challenges presented by each season.

HERE’S A SECRET: the foods from a particular season can help the body meet those challenges, like colds and allergies!

Eating the same food every day or eating fast food most of the time separates our body from this system. In addition, when we buy food from the grocery store from halfway across the globe, this can “upset your body’s delicate natural balance and create an array of health complaints.”

By adding some local and seasonal foods to your kids’ diet, your family will be better able to tolerate the changes of the seasons.

Each season brings certain weather conditions with it and those conditions have an effect on your body. Eating certain foods can also generate complementary” conditions inside the body, like moisture or extra heat. When you understand the specific qualities of each season you can choose the exact foods to balance out that season’s impact on your body.

For more information on eating right for YOUR body type each season, check out banyanbotanicals or to determine your Ayurvedic type.

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Here are the top foods to eat during the winter to help your body combat the cold….











Good luck, good health and happy cooking!

Welch Wellness

(Adapted from Simple Food for Busy Families and Integrative Nutrition)

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