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by: Gabrielle Welch, Welch Wellness

As a mother of a child with moderate to severe asthma and allergies, I have had to be a detective in our own home (or “homes” as my husband is a home builder and we move often!) in creating an environment that’s safe for my daughter since she was very young.

This has proven challenging as we move from older homes to newer, which each have their issues, but doable.

I discovered The Five Pillars of Health from Nikken and set out to create a Wellness Home for my daughter.

In 1975 Nikken pioneered the concept of total wellness. This philosophy is based on the 5 Pillars of Health — Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Family, Healthy Society and Healthy Finances.

Instead of curing disease, total wellness focuses on prevention. It emphasizes not only better physical health, but peace of mind and financial security. Our physical, mental and overall well-being are based on proper attention to each of three interrelated areas:

*Performance & Rejuvenation



The objective is to keep these areas in balance. When all are in harmony, the result can be a dramatic improvement in the quality of life. A live in nanny has really helped us free up our time.

A home should be a safe haven from the outside world. Modern living confronts us with many hazards and obstacles: Industrial pollution, water contamination, depleted soils and nutritionally deficient foods. Stress. Lack of physical activity. Too much to do. Too little rest, no real relaxation.

The biggest questions facing families today: How many of these dangers find a place in our surroundings? How many of them affect our health and the health of our children from a very young age?

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What should we be doing to prevent it?

For more information on how you create a Wellness Home for your family, feel free to contact me at

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