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Original Gerber Baby Turns 92 years old - Motherhood Center

Ann Turner Cook, the original Gerber Baby just turned 92. Cook is a mystery novelist and retired English teacher.

Cook was 4 months old when her now iconic baby face was sketched by a family friend.

Fox has more:

Cook was about 4 months old in 1927 when her iconic image was sketched in charcoal by a family friend.

The friend submitted her drawing to Gerber’s call for baby food advertisements, and in 1931, Cook’s face became a trademark.

According to Gerber’s website, Cook’s identity was kept a secret for 40 years. Then in 1978, the face behind the baby was revealed.

“Mrs. Cook’s sparkling eyes and adorable, curious baby face still personify the Gerber brand, representing Gerber’s commitment to happy, healthy babies all over the world,” Gerber said on its website.

Gerber is currently looking for its next spokesbaby.

According to Gerber:

In 1928, Gerber held a contest to find a face to represent a baby food advertising campaign. Artist Dorothy Hope Smith entered her simple charcoal sketch of a tousle-haired, bright-eyed cherub of a baby with endearing pursed lips. In her entry, Smith noted that she would finish the sketch if she won. Her drawing competed with elaborate oil paintings, but the judges fell in love with the baby face Smith drew, and when they chose it as the winner, they insisted that the simple illustration remain a sketch. The image of this happy, healthy baby was soon to become the face that launched a brand, a face recognized and loved across the globe.

Indeed, the illustration became so popular that Gerber adopted it as its official trademark in 1931. Since then, the Gerber Baby has appeared on all Gerber packaging and in every Gerber advertisement. The identity of the baby, however, was kept secret for 40 years, until 1978.

Last year, Cook met the latest Gerber spokesbaby, Lucas.

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Happy Birthday, Ann!

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