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New Moms Self-Care and Support Class: Techniques to Help You Survive and Thrive

Parenting can be hard. It has its bountiful rewards, but some days are just a plain struggle. New moms might be the most surprised to find themselves in unchartered territory not just physically, but emotionally. Even seasoned mothers often wonder what happened to their “old selves”.

To help address these challenges, the Motherhood Center will be hosting a New Moms Self-Care and Support class.


What Is this Class About?

Some days are a blur for new mothers. Between feeding, changing diapers, doing the laundry, and trying to feed everyone else in the family, we often find ourselves depleted. In fact, many women discover that this season is bittersweet. Moms love their new baby, but they can also feel that they have somehow lost themselves in the shuffle of the transition.

This class is about helping new moms find firm footing again. The instructor will talk about identity and how that shifts as a mother from season to season. Participants will be guided through self-reflection that will help them figure out what matters most, how to feel more present, and how to set goals.

The sessions will address how perfectionism and anxiety can get in the way in the future, if not now. Moms will hear about what it means to take time for themselves during this intense season of motherhood. Each week our participants will even learn and practice a new relaxation exercise that they can use as part of a self-care routine.

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The group will discuss what it’s like to parent, and there will be opportunities to ask questions and practice new skills together as well.


Where Will the Class Take Place?

The Moms Self-Care and Support Class will currently take place virtually, with participants using Zoom to dial in. Sessions are once a week for four weeks. Participants will be able to see each other virtually and are encouraged to use the opportunity to make connections with moms who are in the same season.


Who Will Be Teaching the Class?

Dr. Elizabeth Hentschel, PhD. will be facilitating the class. Not only is Dr. Hentschel an accomplished licensed psychologist, she is also a mom of two young children. She knows first-hand what it’s like to encounter stumbling blocks as a parent and has created a course that marries her experience as a mom with her clinical knowledge. Dr. Hentschel has expertise and training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-based treatments, and Treatment of Chronic pain among other specialties. She also holds a Perinatal Mental Health Certification through Postpartum Support International which makes her additionally qualified to help moms through this season of life.


How Will This Help New Moms?

Taking care of a newborn, infant, or toddler (or even an older child) can leave parents physically and mentally drained.

This class will help moms learn about and incorporate techniques for self-care early on in their parenting journey in order to avoid the pitfalls of parenting from frustration. The New Mom Self-Care and Support Class will teach practical ways to parent more intentionally. Hopefully that will lead to more positive feelings about the parenting experience, even during the hard moments.

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Having tools to help a mom figure out what she wants and how to achieve it will be invaluable for the mothering journey. All parents can use some help in learning how to tap into their best selves, but it’s most useful when we learn the techniques early on in parenthood.

This once-a-week class can also be the perfect opportunity for new moms to take some time out for their own self-care. They can use the hour-and-a-half per week for self-enrichment and community building with other moms.


What Other Things Can I Do for Self-Care?

Self-care can look different for lots of moms. If all you have is a few minutes, then practicing a relaxation technique learned from the class can go a long way. Consider hiring a regular baby-sitter so you can take more than a few minutes for yourself. Babysitters aren’t only for date nights! The Motherhood Center can help you arrange for a regular sitter. Use those sitter hours to take a walk, call a friend, or spend time on a hobby.

Another option for self-care that is good for your body and your mind is getting a relaxing massage. Let your body rest in a comfortable massage bed and allow your mind to enjoy peaceful thoughts. If you’ve just had a baby, book a postpartum new mommy massage at the Motherhood Center to get just the right help with those post-baby aches and fatigue. There are many mind and body benefits of a post-partum new mommy massage.

To begin your self-care journey as a new mom, come join the New Moms Self-Care and Support Class and discover a community that can equip you for this season.

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