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Now, more than ever, living in the moment can be very hard to do; but now, more than ever, it is one of the most important things we must remember to do. You might ask, why? With the current state of our world and so many things out of our control, we can easily get lost in the stressors that come with asking ourselves, what if? When you focus on living in the moment it helps to keep you grounded so you can enjoy the little things that could otherwise be missed.

I always enjoy receiving pictures from my family members and friends, but getting them recently has brought me an extra-special sense of joy and appreciation. Since I am very involved in the pregnancy, baby, and motherhood world, most of the images are related to that topic, and having a chance to celebrate and enjoy these images with my loved ones has helped me to stay grounded during a time where we aren’t able to connect in-person as we usually would.

If you forget to live in the moment it can be easy to miss your child’s first babble, the enchanting baby laughs, the beauty in the pretty drawings your little one creates based on his/her imagination and experiences, or the excitement of seeing your child crawl or roll over for the first time.

Currently, many of us have the opportunity to be present for these special moments, and though it is easy to get distracted with everything going on around us, remember to pause, smell the roses, and acknowledge the sweet moments life presents. Once this period of time passes and we are all back to our typical day-to-day lives, we will not be able to bring these moments back, but will always have the wonderful memories to reflect on.

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With Love,


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