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by: Michelle Wells, Fitness Instructor

Do you want your toddler to feel peaceful, confident and healthy?  Little’s Yoga has arrived at The Motherhood Center for ages 2-4 to have their very own yoga time!  You’ve probably seen your tot pop into a downward dog or perform some amazing physical feat like a little circus monkey.  In Little’s Yoga, we explore and discover many ways which our bodies can move, setting an excellent foundation for physical fitness and body awareness.

I’ve been working with tots since I was 13 years old, when I started teaching pre-k ballet.  It was a match- I seem to have the personality of a 3-year-old fairy.  As wonderful as dance training is for children, when I discovered kids yoga, I was floored at how positively they responded, and surprised that it was so effective yet not well known.  Yoga is all about balance, emotionally, mentally and physically.  It provides just the right tools for literally every aspect of life, whether in sports, relationships, or self-worth.  Physically the yoga poses and breathing work to balance and align the body, child and adult alike, always working both sides of the body equally, finding balance between strength and flexibility.

I believe every kid should have a chance to experience the practice of yoga.  To me it’s as vital as learning to read and write!

Littles Yoga invites you, the parent, to come soak in the benefits too!  Important for the parent to accompany the 2-year-old, some 3 and 4 year olds do better when the caregiver is in the other room!  Finally we offer this opportunity for tots to explore yoga together through games, music, and imagination.

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Here’s the class description! Register soon, session starts next week!
Littles Yoga is a fun, creative approach to yoga that can be very helpful for children whose bodies are still developing. Kids will improve concentration and focus, stimulate their imagination and help to release energy in a fun, safe environment. Using interactive games and animated postures, kids learn about animals, nature and basic anatomy through playing yoga. The Littles Yoga program also promotes inner-strength, confidence and self-esteem; a feeling of well-being and respect for others; and love, for one’s self, inside and out. Parents encouraged to take the class too, especially for two year olds until they are comfortable in the class.

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