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First Signs

By March 15, 2011August 31st, 2021No Comments

by: Stephanie Duhon

The Spring session of Baby Signs I began last Friday and I am super excited. Since before my daughter was born, I’ve been hearing many wonderful things about the class and how babies really can learn these signs and communicate with their parents before they can even speak! I did some research and learned that babies who learn sign language, even just a few signs, are less frustrated because they can express their needs and fears and oftentimes even speak earlier than non-signing children of the same age.

So as soon as my daughter, Nicole, turned six months old, I registered for the class. When my husband and I arrived Friday morning, I was excited and encouraged to see so many other moms and babies. The instructor, Mimi Brian Vance, started off the class by introducing a sign through a song. Mimi gave us an overview of what to expect over the next 8 weeks and showed us several signs we’ll need to start communicating with our baby, such as milk, more and all done. We also sang several songs that included signs that we can sing with our little ones at home (see an example below)!

Nicole is the youngest in the class and I was a little worried that I may have jumped the gun and enrolled her too soon. But from the very beginning of the class, she was watching Mimi and was entranced by the songs and very curious about what was going on around her. I think it’s going to be a fun 8 weeks! My husband and I have been using the signs we learned Friday at home with Nicole. She watches me closely as I make the sign, you can almost see her little brain trying to make those connections. I know it may take some time before she starts signing back, but I can’t wait!

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