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by: Stephanie Duhon

Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 4. That means the clocks will be pushed back one hour, which can temporarily disrupt sleep habits for an infant or toddler. For parents who spent a lot of time and effort getting their young child on a schedule, this can be a bit nerve wracking.

We have a few tips to help make this transition easier.

*Continue bedtime and naptime routines, such as a bath or reading a book.

*Put your infant or toddler to bed a little later the night before the time change to help make the transition easier, but only by about 15 minutes or so for infants and 30 minutes for an older child. The time change is usually harder for babies than older children. If your child gets over-tired, they will have a harder time falling asleep. You can adjust this time in 15 minute intervals each night until your child is back on schedule. If your child currently goes to bed later than you would like, this may be a good time to get them on an earlier bedtime schedule!

*Keep the nursery dark so the daylight does not wake them too early.

*Consistency is key.

*Keep in mind that it can take a week or so for your baby or toddler to adjust to the new time. Your child may be more cranky or tired than normal, but do your best to stick to your routine, including daytime naps.

If you have additional questions or would like assistance in sleep training, please call The Motherhood Center at 713-963-8880.

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