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DSC_1656-digitalYou’ve read all the books, take your childbirth class, and yet you still don’t feel totally prepared for labor. While every labor is different and you’ll never be completely prepared, our Comfort & Coping class hones in on specific techniques and walks you through tactics to cope with pain while laboring as effectively as possible.

Experience has shown that when a couple goes through the motions in a “labor rehearsal”, they are more likely to respond in a similar way in the real situation. Through practicing different positions and understanding how and why they are effective, this knowledge becomes more easily accessed during actual labor.

The Labor Rehearsal Class allows for role-playing in a realistic birth setting. Moms-to-be will learn how to train their muscles and minds for the challenges of labor while partners will discover how their role makes all the difference in a woman’s confidence and ability to give birth.

Couples will work through multiple stations and physically practice practical birthing positions during mock contractions in real-time. The class incorporates breathing, relaxation, and visualization for pain management and energy conservation. Students will also cover what to do during contractions, how to rest effectively between them, and how to move from one position to another, just as you would in real labor.

We all know that practice makes perfect and preparing for labor is no exception. By taking the skills you’ve learned in childbirth class and putting them into practice, you’ll be prepared for anything labor and delivery could throw your way.

The ideal time for attending our Labor Rehearsal Class is between 32-36 weeks of pregnancy. This class requires that couples have already attended a childbirth class.
Learn More & Register Today! DSC 1683 digital - Motherhood Center DSC 1652 digital - Motherhood Center

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