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Benefits of Massage

By April 28, 2012December 3rd, 2021No Comments
by: Mary Bratcher, Retail Manager
For the woman on the motherhood journey, it can be especially important to have regular massages. As a woman transitions from wanting to become pregnant, becoming so, growing as baby does, and then birthing and taking on the new role of mother, she is in special need of therapeutic touch. The Motherhood Center is a great place for mothers as well as mothers-to-be to get healing from professionally trained body workers for the childbearing year and beyond.
If you are planning to become pregnant it is important to prepare your body, mind, and spirit. Many responsibilities lay ahead , and taking care of yourself is the first step to being able to take care of others. This is necessary groundwork as you are becoming a parent. Making healthy decisions like eating well, exercising, and getting regular massages are important not only to your fertility, but also to making smart routines that you and your family will continue to stick with. Purchasing massage packages are a great way to get your massages in regularly at a discount.

Benefits of Pre-Conception Massage

  • Give your body alignment and cleanse yourself of bodily impurities
  • clear any pelvic adhesions
  • blood flow increases to your uterus and other reproductive organs
  • compliments medical fertility treatments with hormone and chemical free bodywork
  • supports hormone balance
  • reduces stress and promote relaxation
When you become pregnant, specialized massage continues to be of great importance. From the first trimester on into the “fourth,” your body is going through so many changes that a regular massage can be a therapeutic constant all the way through. Also, massages help you stay healthy and clear, reducing common aches and pains associated with pregnancy, and help you identify and treat imbalances earlier. Too often women wait to get a massage until they can hardly get on the table, then it is a tough road back. Like i said before, take the responsibility and make the decisions that benefit your body, it is working hard for you and your new baby! Also, be sure to receive a prenatal massage from a therapist trained in the modality. All of the therapists here at The Motherhood Center are required to have extensive training in prenatal as well as postnatal massage. If you find yourself on bed rest, make energizing, stress-reducing massage a part of your home environment with an out call from one of our therapists.
Benefits of Prenatal Massage
  • Reduced back pain
  • Reduced joint pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced edema
  • Reduced muscle tension and headaches
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
  • Better sleep
  • Hormone regulation
  • Reduction of swelling
  • Improvement of nerve pain
Finally your baby arrives! Your body has been through many changes and now massage is a necessity to bring your body back into alignment, and to help you be healthy so you can extend that energy to your new baby. Remember to take care of yourself so that you can give care to others. As a new mom, sometimes this is hard. You may feel that you have obligations that do not leave you time for self care, but think again. During pregnancy you have built a support system of people who can help with household chores, the baby, and life’s errands. Take time for you either here at The Motherhood Center or at home where our therapists can come to you!
Benefits of Postpartum Massage
  • A postpartum massage helps realign the body to prepare for the coming challenges and joys
    of mothering
  • Birthing, posture changes, breastfeeding, and carrying a baby may cause shoulder, hip, and back strain: massage can relieve this.
  • Nurturing touch in the first 6 weeks after birth reduces the occurrence of postpartum depression
Here at The Motherhood we make it easy for you to incorporate massage into your wellness schedule. We provide packages with massage at a discount and even have the opportunity for you to register for massage as a gift for your shower! You can schedule a massage from morning into the late evening hours. We provide a shower so that you can relax before or after, or even recharge to get back to “life.” The massage experience at The Motherhood Center is one not to be missed!

As our Founder says, “Prepare to drift away,” and embrace the pampered body that you deserve.

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