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Last year, one of our former clients introduced my husband and me to a wonderful organization, Books Between Kids.

The speakers shared a story about a little girl who had a very hard upbringing. Hers was a sad situation wrought with violence, without much love or care, and with little prospect of a healthy, happy future.

This little girl found her refuge in reading books.

Books took her to new places, created new experiences, and opened her eyes to a world beyond her circumstances. At the end of the presentation, we learned that the little girl was actually our speaker, now accomplished, an educated young woman with great aspirations and a great career ahead of her.

The story she presented was incredibly powerful and impactful. I never thought about books actually allowing us to escape the current life we have.

Most of us read books for pleasure or learning, but there are children whose lives are measurably changed for the better through the simple act of reading books. And for most of us, books are everywhere in abundance, but for far too many children, books are a luxury of which they have little access. Books Between Kids works to ensure that regardless of income level, all children have the ability to read, grow, learn, and thrive.

I would like to invite you to support this wonderful organization.


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