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Whether you are at the end of your pregnancy and ready to bring your lovely baby into the world, or you have children, you might be considering hiring a nanny to help with your children. There are many things to consider when you are making this important decision and questions to ask yourself.

  • Where do you begin to find the right nanny?
  • How do you know if she will be the right fit for your family?
  • How do you manage all the details of hiring a nanny?

It sounds overwhelming, but with the help of a nanny placement agency, the process is easy and painless. Motherhood Center has been a nanny placement agency for the past 19 years, and we have a wealth of knowledge we want to share with you on the reasons to use a nanny placement agency.

Reasons to Use a Nanny Placement Agency

  1. A nanny placement agency will handle the entire process for you and present you with a small selection of candidates that are the right for your family. How do they know they are the right fit? Based on the criteria you provide the agency, they can pull from the pool on Nannies they have on their roster. Are you looking for a nanny that has a specific education? Does she have the right experience you are looking for? Has she worked with other families that have similar needs that you are requesting? The nanny placement agency will introduce you to nannies that fit the criteria that you want.
  2. If you aren’t sure what you are looking for, a nanny placement agency can assist by asking the right questions to help you make your ‘wish list’ of qualifications, personality, hours, and needs. It’s a personal process, and the nanny agency will get to know you and find out what’s important to your family to ensure the best Nanny for your family.
  3. A nanny placement agency has insider industry knowledge. By going to an agency who understands the market and knows what qualities to look for in a professional nanny, you will save yourself from an independent search that might go wrong. For instance, at Motherhood Center, we have many families who have come to us after they have tried to find a nanny on their own. When you use an agency, they will not only find you the right nanny for your family, they also offer advice to protect you legally as an employer.
  4. A nanny placement agency will thoroughly screen all the candidates before you are even introduced to potential nannies. Safety is of the utmost importance when you place someone to care for your children and to be in your home. An agency will personally interview the nannies first, as well as perform all of the background checks and reference calls. Their goal is to ensure that a nanny has the knowledge and professionalism that your family is looking for. An agency is able to screen more potential candidates than a family conducting an independent search and therefore, has a more robust selection of professional nannies to choose from. The agency protects the family’s security by presenting only thoroughly screened nannies. Additionally, when you go through a nanny placement agency, the potential nanny candidates will not have access to the personal information of a family until the family decides they would like to hire her.
  5. Using a nanny placement agency will save time. A family can spend up to 20 hours searching for a nanny candidate, interviewing her, conducting a background check, and screening her references. The agency spends the time screening the nannies in their pool so that the family needs only to review profiles and meet the candidates. They are there to offer advice and mediate communication until the family is ready to hire the nanny of their choice. They will also help define roles as well as facilitate the completion of the work agreement.
  6. Your nanny will be properly trained. There are no national government standards for the childcare placement industry, and nannies aren’t required to have formal training. For example, when you hire a nanny through Motherhood Center, we ensure that each Nanny meets the minimum requirements to be a caregiver, and we even have a nanny school that offers training.
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How to Use Motherhood Center as Your Nanny Placement Agency

We make the process easy for you. Just call us at 713-963-8880 to set up an appointment, and we will go over all the details as well as answer any questions you may have. Also, when you begin your nanny search with us, we give you a complimentary massage to melt away all the stress from not having a Nanny! If you have any questions or would like to set up a time to consult with Motherhood Center on our nanny placement services, please contact us at We look forward to finding you the perfect nanny for your family!


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