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3 Things You Have to Know About Food Coloring and Behavior in Children….The Scary Truth

By March 25, 2011August 30th, 2021No Comments

by: Gabrielle Welch, Welch Wellness

*Artificial food dyes have been shown to be carcinogenic to animals, others affect mood and intensify ADHD and a few are associated with fertility, even STERILITY.

*Yellow food dye no. 5, no. 6, and no. 10 and red no. 40 all cause increase in hyperactivity and are linked to cancer. Yellow no. 5 triggers asthma in kids and red no. 40 can cause eczema. Yellow no. 2 has been connected with male sterility and ADHD, Blue no. 1 and no. 2 used in beverages (think Gatorade and blue M&M’s) has been associated with brain tumors and Red no. 3 is linked to thyroid tumors.

*According to research, 64% of kids diagnosed with ADHD are actually experiencing a hypersensitivity to food or something in their environment. After following a restrictive diet for 5 weeks, they were normal children with normal behavior. (Dr. Lidy Pelsser, MD.)

Every day, more and more research is available that confirms the link between the consumption of food additives by children — especially food colorings — and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. The moms of these kids have long realized that their children’s behavior can be radically altered by the consumption of food additives, but most conventional doctors dismiss this idea because they have not been trained in nutrition and neuroscience.

It can be difficult to avoid artificial food coloring in children’s diets, since the color are not just in expected foods, like brightly colored candies, but also in surprising foods like marshmallows which have blue food dye to make them whiter and chocolate syrup (unless it’s organic) which has red food dye, one of the worst… I was shocked to find recently that even Eggo waffles have yellow food dye in them! Most kid’s medications, toothpastes and vitamins also contain artificial colors as well as some cheeses. It’s everywhere! Over time, these things bio accumulate in our bodies and brains wreak havoc.

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So when you eat food containing additives and artificial colors, you are introducing toxins into your bloodstream. Those toxins find their way into the brain and alter your child’s brain function, and in the case of children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, it alters their behavior to make them restless or to have a shortened attention span.


Start today by making a difference in your child’s life and your own. Throw out anything in your pantry that has artificial coloring and replace it with a natural alternative. We’re lucky these days, most of the things that we like that are bad for us can be found in a natural form without preservatives or food coloring and that’s a better choice. They even make organic pop tarts now!

Make the first step today and watch your life change.

(Research taken from Natural, Dr. Lidy Pelsser and Lisa with Food Trainers)

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